Cult Choices in Cult of the Lamb

Understanding the Impact of Sin Doctrines on Cult Power
Cult Choices in Cult of the Lamb


  • Cult of the Lamb features a variety of Sin Doctrines, each with unique effects and implications for cult power and dynamics.
  • Each Sin Doctrine, such as Blind Allegiance, Rite of Lust, and Born of Sin, offers distinct advantages and considerations for players to explore.
  • Understanding the strategic implications of each Sin Doctrine is crucial for players to optimize their cult's growth and influence.

When building a cult in Cult of the Lamb, selecting the right Sin Doctrines is crucial for manipulating followers and enhancing the cult's power. These doctrines provide unique opportunities for players to exert control and influence over their cult's members, ultimately shaping the cult's trajectory and capabilities.

The Sin Doctrines in Cult of the Lamb are diverse, offering players choices that cater to different aspects of cult management, from loyalty and happiness to resource generation and strategic advantages. Each doctrine presents players with intriguing options that can significantly impact their cult's development and interactions with the game world.

6 Blind Allegiance

Empowering Loyalty from Birth

The Blind Allegiance Sin Doctrine, unlocked at Tier 4, bestows followers with enhanced loyalty from birth. This trait not only makes them resilient to subversive influences but also accelerates their progression within the cult, offering strategic advantages for long-term growth.

5 Rite Of Lust

Celebrating Cultist Happiness

The Rite of Lust Doctrine introduces a provocative ritual that promotes happiness and sin generation among cult members. By engaging in this rite, cultists experience a unique form of revelry, contributing to their overall satisfaction and the cult's sin reserves.

4 Born Of Sin

Early Cultist Contribution

With the Born of Sin Doctrine, cultists contribute to the cult's prosperity from the moment of their birth. This early involvement enhances the cult's sin accumulation, providing a convenient and sustainable source of resources for the cult's advancement.

3 Gluttony Of Cannibals

Unconventional Nourishment

The Gluttony of Cannibals Doctrine unlocks a ritual that, when combined with the Cannibal Trait, provides substantial sin rewards at the cost of faith. This unique practice intertwines indulgence and sustenance, offering strategic benefits for resource management and follower loyalty.

2 Violent Extremist

Enhancing Crusading Prowess

The Violent Extremist Doctrine empowers the Lamb during crusades, potentially yielding sin from vanquished foes. This doctrine bolsters the cult's combat capabilities, providing an edge in purging adversaries and accumulating sin for further endeavors.

1 Sinner's Pride

Balancing Devotion and Discontent

The Sinner's Pride Doctrine offers an alternative ritual for sin accumulation, necessitating careful management of follower discontent. While it presents opportunities for sin acquisition, prudent absolution is essential to maintain unwavering devotion and allegiance.