Cracking the Code: Solving the Mystery Boiler Puzzle

Unveil the secrets hidden in the Boiler Room of Alone in the Dark by cracking this intricate puzzle.
Cracking the Code: Solving the Mystery Boiler Puzzle


  • Discover the intricate steps to unlock the secrets of the Boiler Room puzzle in Alone in the Dark.
  • Navigate through a series of interconnected puzzles to progress in the game and reveal the mystery behind Jeremy and the Dark Man.
  • Uncover the hidden plates, keys, and codes to successfully solve the complex Boiler Room puzzle and advance in the game.

When you venture into Derceto Manor in Alone in the Dark, a variety of enigmatic puzzles await you. Some puzzles are straightforward, like the puzzle box, while others demand time and effort to crack. The intricate puzzles not only unlock new areas in the manor but also play a crucial role in unfolding the storyline and shedding light on the secrets of Jeremy and the Dark Man.

The boiler puzzle is one such challenge. Although you encounter it early in the game, solving it becomes possible only in the second chapter.

Banishing the Steam

The boiler sports a plate akin to the one on the clock. To initiate this puzzle, you must locate the missing pieces. However, before you can do so, you need to tackle the challenge of stopping the steam emission from the boiler.

Firstly, access the Drawing Room by utilizing the palette knife to open the jammed door. Inside, you'll find the Cellar Key, granting you entry to the Food & Wine Cellar. In this cellar, an electrified cable lies in water.

Retrieve the switch from the wine racks, connect it to the circuit breaker along the cable, and then cut the power. This action not only disables the cable but also shuts down the basement power. Proceed to acquire the Valve Handle from the opposite side of the room and attach it to the boiler to halt the steam emission.

Locating the Missing Plates

With the steam dissipated, head to the other side of the Boiler Room where the first Broken Plate lies. Next, retrieve a key atop the broken piano in the Grand Parlor. This key opens the locked medicine box in Lottie's Room, revealing Dr. Jenkin's Lozenges. Proceed to Cassandra's Room to find two additional medicine bottles.

In Cassandra's Room, you'll encounter a bottle rack where the medicines should be placed in a specific order. This arrangement unveils the code: 2, 5, 7. In the same room, a lock similar to the one in Perosi's Room awaits. Utilize the cipher from that lock to input the combination: Pisces, Gemini, Leo. This sequence will grant you the second Broken Plate.

Solving the Boiler Puzzle

Take both pieces to the boiler and insert them. Rearrange the parts to match the provided image. Subsequently, the boiler deactivates, displaying the numbers: 9, 7, 5. Place your talisman on the plate and enter these numbers to unveil a path leading to a cemetery, your next destination in the game.