Crabby Crab's Treasure Game Devs Find Dark Souls Games Amusing

The developers behind Crabby Crab's Treasure share their thoughts with Game Rant on the subtle humor present in FromSoftware's dark fantasy series.
Crabby Crab's Treasure Game Devs Find Dark Souls Games Amusing


  • Dark Souls games are not all gloom and doom; they contain hidden humor elements.
  • Crabby Crab's Treasure infuses humor into its gameplay but maintains a serious storyline.
  • Humor in games like Dark Souls adds depth and enhances storytelling.

In the world of Soulslike games, Crabby Crab's Treasure stands out among titles like Dark Souls, Elden Ring, and others known for their somber atmospheres. While these games often feature grim settings and challenging foes, they also have moments of unexpected humor that can lighten the mood and surprise players.

The team behind Crabby Crab's Treasure embraces this humor, as revealed in a recent interview with Aggro Crab's Nick Kaman and Caelan Pollock. According to Pollock, the Dark Souls series by FromSoftware incorporates intentional comedy alongside unintentional funny situations. Balancing seriousness with lighthearted moments is crucial for both solemn titles like Dark Souls and more whimsical games like Crabby Crab's Treasure.

Dark Souls: Where Seriousness Meets Comedy

Dark Souls is known for its subtle humor, often hidden in item descriptions and character interactions. For instance, the description of rubbish in Dark Souls 3 playfully questions why anyone would carry such an item. Characters like Siegward of Catarina, clad in comically oversized armor, provide comic relief amid the game's intense challenges. Even in the midst of nail-biting gameplay, Dark Souls manages to elicit laughter from players.

The games' comedic elements extend to gameplay, with scenarios where players meet comical deaths at the hands of formidable enemies or cleverly placed traps. While these moments may be frustrating, they often result in unexpected laughter, showcasing the developers' knack for blending seriousness with slapstick humor.

Humor in Crabby Crab's Treasure: A Balancing Act

While Crabby Crab's Treasure incorporates humor into its gameplay, it remains a game with a serious narrative and themes. The distinction between funny and comedic games is essential, as humor in Crabby Crab's Treasure serves to enhance the overall storytelling experience. Pollock emphasizes how moments of levity, similar to those found in Dark Souls, can add depth to emotional encounters within the game. The juxtaposition of survival in a harsh environment with light-hearted moments creates a compelling narrative that resonates with players.