Unveiling the Mysteries of Shell Design and Underwater Firearms in Another Crab's Treasure

Insights from Aggro Crab developers shed light on the unique features of Another Crab's Treasure, including the functionality of a Glock underwater.
Unveiling the Mysteries of Shell Design and Underwater Firearms in Another Crab's Treasure


  • Discover the unconventional world of Another Crab's Treasure, where discarded human trash becomes crucial for crab survival.
  • Explore how the inclusion of a Glock handgun in the game provides players with a unique combat option.
  • Get a glimpse into the creative process behind designing over 60 different shells and their unique abilities in the game.

When Game Rant had a chat with the developers at Aggro Crab, the masterminds behind Another Crab’s Treasure, they delved into the fascinating backstory of how firearms can function underwater. In this upcoming underwater Soulslike game, players immerse themselves in a world where discarded human items form the essence of crab existence. This includes not only shells crafted from trash by hermit crabs but also the arsenal they wield for protection and bounty. While not part of the standard weapons arsenal, the protagonist Kril can whip out a Glock when faced with challenges.

Studio head and art director Nick Kaman, along with creative director and narrative lead Caelan Pollock, shared insights on the handgun, shell design in Another Crab's Treasure, and their post-launch strategies as an indie game studio. The following conversation has been condensed for clarity and brevity.

Kril's Glock in Another Crab's Treasure

Q: Tell us about the Glock. How was its incorporation? Is it a thrilling element for players to engage with?

KAMAN: The fun factor is subjective. It offers a quick solution for any challenge, akin to a real gun, but it's not intended for prolonged use. It's a tool to bypass troublesome encounters if needed.

POLLOCK: The gun wasn't meant to be a primary gameplay method. It serves as an option to skip combat, catering to a specific player preference. It's the ultimate difficulty adjustment.

KAMAN: Initially, we added it as a whimsical concept - envisioning Kril wielding a Glock-shaped shell. The idea clicked, and placing the gun in the accessibility menu added humor. Surprisingly, even accessibility advocates appreciated the feature, highlighting the fun aspect of accessibility options.

Q: Did you consider the practicality of a gun functioning underwater?

KAMAN: We deliberately overlooked the technicalities of underwater gun operation, and that's okay.

POLLOCK: The gun's unique ability in the game is a Shell Spell powered by Umami. The ocean currents evoke past functions of marine debris, enabling gun usage. Remember, don't dispose of guns in the ocean to prevent crabs from acquiring them.

Shell Design in Another Crab's Treasure

Q: How did you approach designing the diverse array of shells in Another Crab's Treasure?

KAMAN: Our approach was simple - envision trash items that a crab could utilize as a shell. From soda cans to various containers, we brainstormed over 60 unique shells, each with a distinctive Shell Spell.

POLLOCK: We missed an opportunity in not marketing the fact that we have exactly 69 shells in the game. The design process involved linking each shell with a thematic ability, sometimes inventing new spells for them.

Q: Could you share the challenges faced while designing a couple of shells?

KAMAN: Crafting abilities for shells like glass, which shatter easily, proved tricky. We devised a mechanic where the shell shoots glass shards, damaging enemies on impact. The game features a variety of shells, including explosive ones and decoy shells.

Future of Another Crab's Treasure: Any DLC Plans?

Q: What are your thoughts on post-launch endeavors?

KAMAN: While we have some post-launch ideas, our focus now is on gauging the game's reception.

POLLOCK: It's premature to discuss a post-launch roadmap. The game's success will dictate our future plans as an indie studio.

KAMAN: Work on our next project has commenced, but we are committed to addressing any issues in Another Crab's Treasure. Additional content is a possibility, but specifics remain under wraps.