Behind the Scenes: Selecting Sea Creatures for Crab's Treasure Game

Learn how the developers at Aggro Crab chose the sea creatures to feature in Crab's Treasure game
Behind the Scenes: Selecting Sea Creatures for Crab's Treasure Game


  • Sea creatures in Crab's Treasure game chosen based on abilities and enemy design
  • Enemies in the game have special abilities that the protagonist can use
  • Incorporating real-life sea creatures with a touch of fantasy for a unique gaming experience

Another Crab's Treasure is not just a game about crabs. Dive into an underwater adventure where Kril, the protagonist, encounters a myriad of sea creatures on a mission to clear debts, find his shell, and protect his home from the Duchess of Slack Tide. From friendly allies to formidable foes like shrimp, eels, and the ominous Bobbit Worm, players will face diverse challenges in their journey through Another Crab's Treasure.

Aggro Crab Games, the developer, meticulously selected these sea creatures based on their unique abilities and adaptations, aiming to create a Dark Souls-style gaming experience.

Creative director Caelan Pollock and studio head Nick Kaman shared insights with Game Rant on the selection process. They aimed to include both iconic marine creatures and obscure species for a well-rounded experience that caters to all players.

Abilities Adding Depth to Gameplay

In Another Crab's Treasure, defeated enemies bestow Kril with special abilities known as Adaptations, powered by the ocean's life force, Umami. Creatures like the electric eel and mantis shrimp were chosen for their combat prowess, offering Kril unique skills to navigate challenges.

Infusing Dark Souls Vibes

Some sea creatures were inspired by the menacing enemies of Dark Souls, like the fearsome Bobbit Worm, a ruthless predator embodying the game's intense combat spirit. While mythical creatures were excluded, the team embraced the ocean's natural horrors, occasionally tweaking real species for added thrill.

Get ready to face a lineup of unforgettable bosses in Another Crab's Treasure, promising an immersive and spine-chilling gaming experience that blends reality with fantasy. Prepare to encounter the mysteries of the deep seas when the game launches this April.