Exploring Pollution Through Another Crab's Treasure

Learn how the game delves into pollution and climate catastrophe through its unique storytelling.
Exploring Pollution Through Another Crab's Treasure


  • Discover the journey of Kril, a hermit crab, in a polluted underwater society.
  • Uncover the game's approach to using trash as a central theme.
  • Explore the environmental lessons intertwined with humor in Another Crab's Treasure.

Another Crab's Treasure immerses players in an underwater adventure following Kril, a hermit crab on a quest to reclaim his home. The game not only entertains with its dark-fantasy narrative but also sheds light on how pollution impacts underwater habitats.

Game Rant had a chat with Caelan Pollock, the creative director and narrative lead of Another Crab's Treasure, who emphasized that the game's message goes beyond simply stating that pollution is bad. The developers intentionally crafted a deeper narrative surrounding pollution and its consequences, making it a pivotal element of the story.

Trash as a Gameplay Element

While many games address environmental issues, Another Crab's Treasure takes a unique approach by placing players in the midst of a polluted underwater world. The game presents a society heavily impacted by trash, emphasizing the immediate effects of pollution. The developers made it clear that the game isn't aimed at educating those unaware of environmental issues but rather at highlighting the current state of the world.

Kril, the protagonist, ingeniously utilizes trash as makeshift armor in battles, reflecting the real-life behavior of hermit crabs selecting shells. With a quirky collection of shells made from discarded items, Kril navigates challenges in his pursuit.

Addressing Climate Consequences

Trash isn't just a gameplay mechanic; it's a thematic representation of the repercussions of pollution. Enemies in the game also use trash as protective gear, illustrating the widespread impact of environmental negligence. The game doesn't endorse pollution but serves as a reminder of its aftermath.

Another Crab's Treasure presents environmental themes with a touch of humor, balancing the seriousness of pollution with creative gameplay elements. Through the lens of a determined character like Kril, the game navigates the broader issue of pollution with a mix of wit and challenging gameplay reminiscent of Soulslike titles.