The Continuing Legacy of Control 2 from Remedy Entertainment

Discover how Control 2 is poised to inherit a significant legacy from Remedy Entertainment, setting the stage for a new era in gaming.
The Continuing Legacy of Control 2 from Remedy Entertainment


  • Remedy Entertainment's rich legacy is solidified with the success of Alan Wake 2, paving the way for an exciting new chapter.
  • Control 2 is gearing up to carry forward a prestigious legacy from its predecessor, while Remedy works on remakes of the first two Max Payne games.
  • The release of Control marked a triumphant comeback for Remedy, establishing high expectations for its upcoming sequel and ushering in a connected in-game universe.

Remedy Entertainment, a veteran in the gaming industry since the 1990s, has often operated under the radar despite its extensive legacy. The studio's sporadic release schedule, exemplified by lengthy gaps between major titles like Max Payne 2 and Alan Wake, has kept it from the mainstream spotlight.

However, a new era seems to be dawning for Remedy, hinting at a more frequent release cycle. Following the success of Alan Wake 2, Remedy is revving up its projects, including upcoming DLCs for Alan Wake 2, a multiplayer spin-off of Control, and the highly anticipated Control 2. The latter is now tasked with upholding a prestigious legacy within the Remedyverse, signaling a promising sequel on the horizon.

The Rich Heritage of Remedy Begins with Max Payne

Remedy's Impactful Journey from Max Payne to Present

Although Remedy's initial title was Death Race in 1996, it was the iconic Max Payne series that catapulted the studio into prominence. Despite receiving mixed reviews upon its 2001 release, Max Payne eventually achieved acclaim as a standout shooter of its generation.

Fast forward to the present, Remedy is diligently remaking the first two Max Payne games in collaboration with Rockstar, underscoring the enduring legacy of the franchise. While Control 2 is still in its early stages, the weight of Max Payne's legacy looms large, setting high expectations for the upcoming sequel.

Control's Impactful Comeback in the Gaming Industry

Upon its 2019 launch, Control marked a pivotal moment for Remedy Entertainment, following the lukewarm reception of previous titles like Alan Wake and Quantum Break. With its captivating storyline, innovative gameplay mechanics, and unique narrative elements, Control breathed new life into Remedy's portfolio, heralding a resurgence for the studio.

This resurgence not only rejuvenated Remedy but also raised the bar for its future endeavors, particularly for the highly anticipated Control 2.

Alan Wake 2: A Defining Chapter in Remedy's Legacy

Adding to the mounting anticipation, the recent release of Alan Wake 2 garnered widespread acclaim, firmly establishing Remedy as a prominent player in the industry. With its newfound momentum, Remedy's legacy has been reignited, placing the onus on Control 2 to carry this legacy forward and expand the rich universe crafted by the studio.