Unlocking the Power of Constellarium in Death Must Die

Struggling against tougher foes in Death Must Die? Discover how Constellarium can boost your abilities and help you conquer challenging enemies.
Unlocking the Power of Constellarium in Death Must Die


  • Learn to access and utilize the Constellarium to enhance your character builds.
  • Defeat the Necromancer boss in Act I to unlock the Constellarium.
  • Collect Cosmic Essence to unlock powerful talents and optimize your gameplay.

Venturing into the realm of Death Must Die pits you against formidable opponents, requiring strategic gear to triumph. While the game offers a myriad of equipment slots for stacking potent stats, mastering builds is essential for conquering higher difficulty levels.

In Death Must Die, your progression hinges on talents and equipment. While equipment can be farmed or bought, unlocking talents requires a visit to the Constellarium. This guide sheds light on the talent system within Death Must Die.

Unveiling the Constellarium in Death Must Die

In the Time’s Realm of Death Must Die, the Constellarium awaits after vanquishing the Necromancer in Act I. This boss, appearing after surviving for seven minutes, swarms you with undead minions. Utilize characters like Merris with AOE attacks or summon blessings for an easier victory. Once the Necromancer falls, the Constellarium emerges at the heart of the Time’s Realm.

Harnessing the Constellarium's Power in Death Must Die

Similar to Hades' Mirror of Night, the Constellarium can be accessed from the Star Crux by pressing E. Here, you can reveal stars and explore talents for your characters. Each character boasts over 30 talents, unlocked by gathering Cosmic Essence.

Defeating bosses yields Cosmic Essence in Death Must Die. Bosses appear at set intervals, dropping one or two essences. These essences are character-specific and are crucial for unlocking talents. As you accumulate Cosmic Essence, you can progress through talent rows, unlocking potent abilities. If dissatisfied with your build, a reset option is available for 500 gold coins.
