Cliff Bleszinski's Superhero Comic 'Scrapper' Holds Promise for a Gaming Adaptation

Exploring the potential of turning CliffyB's comic series, Scrapper, into an engaging video game experience.
Cliff Bleszinski's Superhero Comic 'Scrapper' Holds Promise for a Gaming Adaptation


  • Scrapper's unique abilities lend themselves well to a video game adaptation.
  • Inspired by Batman, Scrapper offers a fresh take on the superhero genre.
  • CliffyB sees great potential for Scrapper to become a thrilling video game with the right partner.

Intersecting worlds of comics and video games often spark creativity and innovation, with characters transitioning effortlessly from page to screen and vice versa. When acclaimed game designer Cliff Bleszinski unveiled his latest creation, the superhero dog comic 'Scrapper,' many immediately envisioned its potential as a video game, albeit in a different vein from Bleszinski's iconic 'Gears of War' series.

After a successful serialized release by Image Comics, 'Scrapper' is poised for a grand debut in a consolidated hardcover edition. This transition to a single-volume format prompted Game Rant to engage in a conversation with Bleszinski, exploring the comic's gaming prospects. Bleszinski's deliberate approach to infusing gaming elements into 'Scrapper' underscores his seamless transition from game design to comic storytelling.

Scrapper's Unique Powers Align Perfectly with Gaming

The essence of video games lies in enabling players to embody characters and partake in their actions, making superheroes an ideal fit for interactive adaptations. In 'Scrapper,' the titular hero boasts a diverse skill set that effortlessly translates to a gaming environment, as noted by Bleszinski. Drawing inspiration from Batman, 'Scrapper' emerges as a canine vigilante reimagined, drawing parallels to the acclaimed 'Arkham' game series.

The prospect of 'Scrapper' evolving into a video game experience remains tantalizing, given the hero's potential for a captivating interactive narrative. Bleszinski's vision for a gaming adaptation hinges on finding the right collaborator, indicating a promising future for 'Scrapper' in the gaming realm.