Why Civilization 7 Should Embrace Unique Leaders for a Fresh Experience

Breaking away from tradition could lead to a more diverse and exciting leader pool in Sid Meier's Civilization 7.
Why Civilization 7 Should Embrace Unique Leaders for a Fresh Experience


  • Sid Meier's Civilization 7 can innovate by introducing a wider array of historically rich leaders.
  • Focusing on new historical figures instead of alternate personas can bring more uniqueness to the game.
  • Exploring lesser-known civilizations and leaders could provide a fresh perspective and creative opportunities for the franchise.

As Firaxis diligently works on Sid Meier's Civilization 7, the anticipation among fans continues to grow. The upcoming installment of this beloved strategy series has the potential to elevate the franchise to new heights. One key aspect that could set Sid Meier's Civilization 7 apart is its approach to leaders.

Throughout the Civilization series, leaders have played a crucial role, offering players a diverse selection to lead their civilizations. While this core mechanic is likely to remain unchanged in Sid Meier's Civilization 7, there is an opportunity for Firaxis to break away from tradition. Moving away from alternate personas and focusing on entirely new historical figures could not only inject freshness into the game but also prompt deeper exploration of history for compelling leaders.

The Potential of Civilization 7's Leader Roster Knows No Bounds

Shifting Away from Alternate Leaders for Greater Diversity

In a surprising move in 2022, Firaxis introduced the Leader Pass for Sid Meier's Civilization 6, expanding the leader roster with multiple sets of leaders. While some were familiar faces from past games, the addition of alternate personas, such as varied versions of existing leaders, raised concerns. This approach led to certain civilizations having limited leader options, detracting from their full historical representation.

Instead of continuing with alternate personas in Sid Meier's Civilization 7, Firaxis should focus on broadening the leader pool with entirely new and unique figures. With numerous historical leaders to choose from, each with distinct backgrounds, this shift could offer players a more enriching experience while delving deeper into lesser-explored territories of history.

Expanding Civilization 7's Leader Pool Significantly

By steering clear of alternate leaders, Sid Meier's Civilization 7 could introduce a plethora of fresh faces to lead civilizations, infusing the game with renewed excitement. Embracing lesser-known historical figures and civilizations not only caters to history enthusiasts but also opens up avenues for creative unit and building designs, adding a unique touch to the gameplay.

While details on Civilization 7 are scarce at the moment, the potential for a groundbreaking leader system remains high. Fans eagerly await Firaxis' innovative take on leaders in the upcoming installment, hoping for a vast array of new and captivating figures to shape the course of history in the game.