The Value of Tradition: Why Civilization 7 Should Embrace Its Roots

Exploring the benefits of Civilization 7 sticking to its traditional strategy roots amidst calls for innovation.
The Value of Tradition: Why Civilization 7 Should Embrace Its Roots


  • The strategy genre in 2023 saw notable releases like Jagged Alliance 3, Cities: Skylines 2, and Stellaris DLCs.
  • Civilization 7 is still in development and may benefit from maintaining its traditional gameplay elements.
  • Games like Ara: History Untold are reshaping the 4X genre, while fans anticipate Civilization 7's impact.

Enthusiasts of the strategy genre have been delighted with the plethora of top-notch releases in 2023. From the tactical RPG/strategy blend of Jagged Alliance 3 to city planning marvels like Cities: Skylines 2 and engaging expansions for renowned titles such as Stellaris and Hearts of Iron 4, the year has been a feast for strategy gamers. Looking ahead, 2024 seems promising for the genre with anticipated titles like Homeworld 3, Frostpunk 2, and Manor Lords slated for release. However, devotees of the Civilization series might need a bit more patience.

First announced in February 2023, Civilization 7 is under active development by Firaxis. The duration of its development remains uncertain, and a definitive release date for this long-awaited sequel is yet to be disclosed. When Civilization 7 eventually debuts, adhering to its traditional strategic roots could prove pivotal for its success.

Embracing Tradition for Long-Term Success

Evolution of the 4X Genre and Ara: History Untold

Although the 4X genre originated from board games and early daring strategy titles, it was Civilization that truly popularized it in 1991. However, over the decades, the franchise has not been synonymous with groundbreaking features in the modern strategy landscape. For around thirty years, each Civilization installment has incrementally introduced new elements and content to the original framework established in 1991.

While Civilization 6 is hailed as one of the finest strategy games ever created, some fans opined that it closely mirrored its predecessors, offering enjoyable additions without substantial innovation. The recurring discourse has been the necessity for the next Civilization chapter to revolutionize the existing formula, with Civilization 7 being the platform for this evolution.

A new scenario is emerging that may alter fans' perspectives. The 4X strategy genre is experiencing a revival, with numerous fresh titles striving to revamp its core features. A prime example is Ara: History Untold, an upcoming AAA game from Xbox Game Studios that seeks to redefine the 4X genre through innovative mechanics like a Prestige scoring system and simultaneous turns. Ara: History Untold is not the only title embarking on this path.

Preserving Civilization's Legacy in the Genre

In the larger context, preserving Civilization as a traditional 4X strategy franchise could be advantageous. While many fans advocate for significant innovation in Civilization 7, maintaining the current framework and making incremental enhancements might have its merits. The 4X genre is evolving rapidly due to titles like Ara: History Untold, making it reassuring if Civilization 7 remains a nostalgic nod to the genre's foundational era.