How Civilization 7 Can Learn from Helldivers 2's Live-Service Model

Helldivers 2 sets a positive example of a successful live-service game, offering valuable lessons for Civilization 7.
How Civilization 7 Can Learn from Helldivers 2's Live-Service Model


  • Helldivers 2 provides a full gaming experience at launch, packed with content and gameplay hours at a reasonable cost.
  • The live-service model in Helldivers 2 ensures regular updates, new features, and opponents to engage and retain players.
  • Premium Warbonds in Helldivers 2 enrich gameplay without pay-to-win elements, catering to PvE gamers for a fair and enjoyable experience.

The concept of live-service games in the gaming industry has received both praise and criticism. While some games excel in providing a continuous and engaging experience, others fall short by offering incomplete content that needs post-launch fixes. Thankfully, Helldivers 2 belongs to the former category.

Launched in February, Helldivers 2 has quickly gained popularity, selling over 8 million copies across PS5 and PC. This game stands out as a prime example of a successful live-service model, setting a benchmark for others, including Civilization 7.

Why Civilization 7 Should Look to Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 Demonstrates Effective Live-Service Implementation

What distinguishes Helldivers 2 from its predecessors is its content-rich launch. The game offered two enemy factions with various units, along with a range of unlockable weapons and equipment, all for a modest $40. Players could spend around 50 hours exploring all the base game elements, making it a worthwhile purchase.

As a live-service game, Helldivers 2 commits to evolving gameplay. Set in a satirical Sci-Fi world where players spread