Civilization 7: Revolutionizing Art Style

Exploring the potential for a new art style in Civilization 7 and its impact on the franchise's future.
Civilization 7: Revolutionizing Art Style


  • Civilization 7 needs to find a balance between innovation and tradition to surpass its predecessors in the changing market landscape.
  • The art style of Civilization 6, once groundbreaking, now risks becoming outdated, prompting a potential shift for Civilization 7.
  • The choice of art style in Civilization 7 could define its identity, offering unique opportunities with realistic or stylized options.

The weight of expectation on Civilization 7 is immense. As the first new release in nearly a decade, it must enhance the award-winning formula of its predecessor while introducing enough novelty to validate its existence, all while honoring the core tenets of the series. This is just the beginning of the challenges facing Civilization 7. With the success of Civilization 6 in the console market, the spotlight on Civilization 7 is brighter than ever, demanding Firaxis to deliver beyond expectations.

Matching the legacy of Civilization 6 is a daunting task, and perhaps Civilization 7 should strive to differentiate itself as much as possible. Fresh victory conditions, innovative leader mechanics, and revamped combat systems could help Civilization 7 stand out, but nothing would make a bolder statement than a complete art style overhaul.

The Case for a New Art Style in Civilization 7

Evolution of Civilization 6's Art Style

Upon its release, the art style of Civilization 6 was a revelation. Since its inception in 1991, the Civilization series aimed for realism in its visuals. While early installments had basic graphics, the 2001 release of Civilization 3 marked a significant visual upgrade, bringing a more modern look to the game.

The shift to a realistic style lent a serious tone to Civilization but sometimes clashed with its lighter moments. In 2016, Civilization 6 broke away from tradition, opting for a colorful, cartoonish approach with exaggerated leader features and vibrant maps.

While this change was refreshing at the time, the current market saturation has dulled its impact. The cartoony style of Civilization 6 now appears simplistic and less distinctive, especially with similar styles adopted by other games, including direct competitors like Ara: History Untold. To set itself apart, Civilization 7 may need a fresh artistic direction.

Diverse Artistic Paths for Civilization 7

Civilization 7 has the opportunity to explore various art styles. One approach could be a return to realism, with meticulously crafted leader models and advanced lighting effects enhancing the game's visuals. Alternatively, the game could embrace a boldly stylized look akin to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Both options would distinguish Civilization 7 from its predecessors and contemporaries in the strategy genre.