Unveiling the Tactics of Civ 6's Eleanor of Aquitaine

Discover the unique gameplay style of Eleanor of Aquitaine, a standout leader in Civilization 6.
Unveiling the Tactics of Civ 6's Eleanor of Aquitaine


  • Explore Eleanor of Aquitaine's dual leadership role in England and France with loyalty manipulation abilities.
  • Understand Eleanor's pacifist strategy that focuses on peacefully dominating enemy cities through loyalty mechanics.
  • Learn how Eleanor of Aquitaine's Court of Love leader bonus allows for strategic manipulation of nearby enemy-controlled cities' loyalty.

Civilization 6 boasts a diverse array of over 60 world leaders, each with distinct bonuses and agendas. These unique characteristics shape the gameplay experience, offering a varied approach for every character.

Within Civilization 6's extensive roster, certain leaders stand out. Eleanor of Aquitaine shines as a remarkable leader, capable of leading both England and France with special loyalty manipulation abilities, setting her apart in the game.

Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Distinct Leader in Civilization 6

Eleanor's Dual Leadership Role

Introduced in February 2019, Eleanor of Aquitaine stands out as the first leader in Civilization 6 able to govern two nations: England and France. Notably, she shares this distinction only with Kublai Kahn of China and Mongolia. With a rich historical background as the Duchess of Aquitaine, Queen of France, and Queen of England, Eleanor brings a unique perspective to the game.

In Civilization 6, Eleanor's character model reflects her historical journey, appearing younger when ruling France and more mature when leading England. Her attire also varies, with a crown of roses for England and a golden crown for France.

Eleanor's Peaceful Strategy

While Eleanor's dual leadership is intriguing, her true strength lies in her pacifist approach. Excelling in a non-violent gameplay style, Eleanor capitalizes on the loyalty mechanic introduced in the Rise and Fall DLC expansion.

Players must maintain their cities' loyalty to prevent unrest and potential revolt. Eleanor's Leader Bonus, Court of Love, enables her to reduce nearby enemy cities' loyalty by one per turn. This effect extends to cities within nine tiles and increases based on Great Works in Eleanor's cities.

By strategically leveraging this ability, Eleanor can peacefully dominate enemy cities, offering a unique path to victory in Civilization 6 that sets her apart from other leaders.