Cities: Skylines 2 - How to Rebuild Your City After Natural Disasters

Discover effective strategies for recovering from natural disasters in Cities: Skylines 2.
Cities: Skylines 2 - How to Rebuild Your City After Natural Disasters


  • Maximize tax income by keeping citizens in the city until the last minute before a disaster strikes.
  • Use watchtowers and emergency shelters to mitigate the damage caused by natural disasters.
  • Maintain reserve funds to immediately repair the damage after a disaster and prevent bankruptcy.

Cities: Skylines 2 offers players the challenge of constructing and managing a bustling metropolis. However, the game is not without its share of unexpected challenges, particularly natural disasters. These unpredictable phenomena can wreak havoc on cities, posing a significant threat to the thriving metropolis. While it's impossible to prevent natural disasters, there are effective strategies for recovery that players can implement to ensure the city's swift revival.

Retain Citizens

Maximize tax income while preparing for the worst.

Instead of immediately evacuating the city when a natural disaster is imminent, consider keeping citizens in the city until the last possible moment. Although this approach may seem callous, it allows for the continued accumulation of tax income, providing resources to aid in the recovery efforts. While this decision may result in more casualties, it enables a quicker restoration of normalcy for the survivors.

Prioritize Preparedness

Implement proactive measures to minimize damage.

Take proactive steps to mitigate the impact of natural disasters. Erecting watchtowers to provide early warnings and setting up emergency shelters to protect citizens are crucial preparations. Additionally, investing in fire departments can help combat potential infernos before they reach populated areas, significantly reducing the devastation caused by disasters.

Secure Emergency Funds

Maintain financial reserves for post-disaster recovery.

Ensure the availability of reserve funds to promptly address post-disaster damages, preventing the city from plunging into bankruptcy. While the game encourages urban expansion, exercising financial restraint and setting aside emergency funds can be pivotal in expediting the city's recovery process.

Repair and Rebuild

Prioritize the restoration of essential infrastructure.

Following a disaster, focus on repairing the city's road network to facilitate the movement of aid workers and ensure the resumption of economic activities. Addressing the infrastructure first can prevent a domino effect that could impede the city's recovery and lead to prolonged economic downturn.

Sustain Vital Services

Provide essential resources to emergency shelters for citizen support.

Ensure that emergency shelters have access to vital resources such as water, power, and food supplies to support the survivors. Establishing clear transportation routes from industries to the shelters can guarantee the continuous provision of essential resources, ultimately contributing to the city's recovery and revitalization.

Customize Your Experience

Exercise control by adjusting game settings.

For those who prefer to focus solely on city-building without the threat of natural disasters, consider disabling this feature through the game settings. This allows players to tailor their experience to their preferences, enjoying the game's expansion aspect without the added challenge of handling natural disasters.