Cities: Skylines 2 Developer's Major Regret Exposed

The CEO of Cities: Skylines 2's developer unveils her significant regret regarding the game's current state, amidst community dissatisfaction.
Cities: Skylines 2 Developer's Major Regret Exposed


  • Hallikainen expresses disappointment over the absence of mod support in Cities: Skylines 2, addressing community discontent.
  • Players criticized the sequel's launch for lacking features like Editor UI and sufficient modding support.
  • Despite initial challenges, Colossal Order pledges to enhance Cities: Skylines 2 with fresh features and improved communication.

Colossal Order's CEO, Mariina Hallikainen, has disclosed her 'major regret' about the studio's recent release, Cities: Skylines 2, citing the absence of mod support. The game, now over four months old, continues to face significant backlash from the community.

As the successor to Cities: Skylines, the sequel had high expectations to meet. Many players were content with the original game, which revolutionized the city-building genre in 2015, following the disappointment of SimCity two years earlier. For a sequel to be justified, Cities: Skylines 2 needed to be exceptional. However, it launched with missing features, notably the Editor UI, disappointing the community since October. Hallikainen even had to address the negativity from Cities: Skylines 2 fans.

In a recent Steam post, Mariina Hallikainen candidly discussed ongoing game issues, labeling the lack of modding support as her 'major regret.' Mods played a crucial role in engaging players with the original Cities: Skylines for years. Hallikainen mentioned the original plan was to have mod support ready at launch, but the team prioritized performance fixes as the release date approached.

The 'Major Regret' of Cities: Skylines 2

The community reacted negatively to the absence of mod support at Cities: Skylines 2 launch. The decision to use Paradox Mods instead of Steam Workshop also caused confusion, but clarity is expected with the upcoming mods release. Hallikainen assured better communication on modding progress soon.

Cities: Skylines 2 has room for improvement to match its predecessor's acclaim. While the original Cities: Skylines is a beloved city-building game, the sequel has yet to reach that level for many players. However, with a strong foundation in place, continued commitment from Colossal Order in adding new features should elevate the game to meet expectations.