Navigating The Sunlit Challenge: The Temple Adventure

Mastering the Temple level in Children of the Sun requires skill and strategy. Dive into these tips to conquer the toughest mission.
Navigating The Sunlit Challenge: The Temple Adventure


  • Tag enemies strategically and aim for weak spots
  • Conserve bullet charges for optimal playthrough
  • Follow a precise sequence of shots to progress smoothly

Embark on the journey of Children of the Sun, a mind-bending sniping puzzle game where vengeance meets psychic abilities to combat a cult. Players step into the shoes of a character armed with a rifle and a single bullet per level, which in reality transforms them into the bullet itself. This bullet ricochets, alters direction upon impact, and changes speed mid-flight, creating a unique gaming experience.

Children of the Sun is designed to challenge players, especially with its optional hurdles, with the difficulty spiking in the final levels. However, it's the ultimate test in The Temple mission that truly perplexes many. This mission is lengthy and intricate, divided into two distinct sections. The inner sanctum is shielded by an energy dome that lowers only after all external enemies are eliminated.

Expert Tips for Conquering The Temple

To triumph in The Temple, apply the same principles as other levels: tag foes, explore various tactics, and target weak points consistently. Maintain persistence but avoid fixating on a single solution. For this specific level, a key suggestion is to complete the initial phase without expending a charge to realign the bullet, ensuring two full charges for the subsequent segment.

Unlike other levels where all enemies can be tagged before firing, in The Temple, this is unfeasible. Struggling players should aim to tag as many foes as possible in the open, ideally tagging 14 out of 17 enemies upfront, including the airborne birds.

Step-by-Step Guide Through The Temple

Upon commencing the level, dash right to position enemies correctly. Align your shot with the left side of the mystic's yellow orb immediately. Subsequently, target enemy No. 4, then supercharge the bullet towards No. 7, followed by the mystic, and finally No. 6, as per the provided image.

The last trio of adversaries in the first part can be vanquished using a similar tactic. Pierce the second mystic's protective shield, correct the bullet's trajectory against the remaining armored cultist, eliminate his nearby ally, and ultimately, the mystic, to clear this phase.

The latter part of the level is intricate, best understood through accompanying visuals. Alternatively, adhere to these steps for a seamless progression:

  • Shoot the enemy in the car without triggering an explosion.
  • Ricochet off the mystic's shield.
  • Dispatch the mystic and his nearby comrade.
  • Take down a bird, then a heavily armored cultist near the gate.
  • If an enemy is out of range, target the nearby car's gas tank.
  • Break the second mystic's shield.
  • Redirect the bullet towards the armored cultist (optional).
  • Eliminate the mystic.
  • Initiate house clearance, as some conceal unmarked foes.

With just one adversary left, aim towards the gate's front and redirect the bullet towards the final challenge, the cult leader.
