Children of the Sun: A Unique Gaming Experience with Silent Storytelling

René Rother discusses the impact of atmospheric storytelling and the allure of mystery in the innovative game, Children of the Sun.
Children of the Sun: A Unique Gaming Experience with Silent Storytelling


  • Children of the Sun offers a distinctive 3D puzzle shooter gameplay where precision is key.
  • The protagonist, The Girl, embarks on a vengeful journey in a haunting world filled with emotional depth despite the absence of spoken narrative.
  • The game immerses players in a dialogue-free environment, relying on visuals and music to convey its compelling story.

Children of the Sun is an upcoming single-player 3D puzzle shooter game set to launch on April 9. Players will assume the role of an unnamed character driven by a singular purpose: revenge. Armed with a gun and a solitary bullet, each level demands precise execution in one shot, placing players in full control of the intense gameplay.

In a recent interview with Game Rant, René Rother, the solo developer behind Children of the Sun, emphasized the game's focus on atmospheric storytelling through its striking visuals and evocative music to deliver a truly unique experience for gamers.

Immerse Yourself in the World of Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun plunges players into a dark and eerie world alongside its enigmatic protagonist, The Girl. Players guide her movements as she stalks her targets – the cultists she seeks vengeance upon – waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Each shot is a tense affair, with the bullet moving in slow motion, heightening the suspense before impact. The game's soundtrack, with its haunting melodies, further envelops players in the somber, infrared-hued environment. Rother describes Children of the Sun as more than a game; it's an 'emotional war'.

The Enigmatic Design of The Girl

The Girl, shrouded in mystery, moves swiftly and stealthily, her identity concealed behind a mask reminiscent of Jason Voorhees. Her attire, a mix of agility and weaponry, hints at a survivalist nature akin to characters from The Last Of Us. Rother deliberately crafted The Girl's persona to be enigmatic, with her past and motivations gradually unveiled through cutscenes scattered throughout the game. These scenes offer glimpses into her tragic past, revealing a narrative devoid of spoken words but rich in emotional depth.

While revenge propels the narrative forward, Children of the Sun explores the complexities of this theme in a world of scarcity and silence. Unlike traditional revenge tales in gaming, this title challenges players with limited resources, pushing them to adapt tactically in a world devoid of dialogue but brimming with atmosphere and tension.

Children of the Sun will be available on PC starting April 9, 2024.