8 Video Games That Offer a Tough But Fair Challenge

Discover games that push your skills without being unfairly punishing.
8 Video Games That Offer a Tough But Fair Challenge


  • Video games provide engaging challenges without being overly frustrating.
  • Cuphead, Monster Hunter Rise, and Kid Icarus: Uprising offer fair but tough gameplay.
  • Games like Dark Souls, Bayonetta, and Hades reward players with challenging experiences.

Video games have come a long way in providing players with challenging experiences that are both engaging and fair. While some games are known for their extreme difficulty, many strike a balance that rewards perseverance without feeling unfair.

Let's explore eight video games that push players to their limits while ensuring a satisfying experience:

8 Cuphead

Master the Unpredictable 2D Platforming

Cuphead is a visually charming yet incredibly challenging platformer that requires precise timing and skill. Despite its difficulty, the sense of accomplishment from conquering its levels is unmatched.

7 Monster Hunter Rise

Face Mighty Beasts Solo or with Friends

Monster Hunter Rise offers thrilling co-op gameplay but presents a significant challenge when taken on solo. Team up with friends for a more manageable experience against powerful foes.

6 Kid Icarus: Uprising

Control Your Difficulty in Mythological Battles

Kid Icarus: Uprising lets players adjust the challenge level before each mission, offering greater rewards for taking on tougher settings. It's a test of skill and strategy in a fantastical world.

5 Dark Souls

Embrace the Unpredictable Trials of a Metroidvania

Dark Souls challenges players with its unforgiving gameplay, but the sense of progression and accomplishment makes every victory worthwhile. It's a game that respects the player's skill and determination.

4 Bayonetta

Experience Chaotic Yet Rewarding Hack-and-Slash Action

Bayonetta's fast-paced combat may be challenging, but the fluid gameplay and stylish action sequences keep players engaged. While it offers difficulty options, mastering its mechanics is key to success.

3 Celeste

Scale a Mountain of Challenges with Precision

Celeste's platforming demands precision and timing, offering players a fair but tough journey up a treacherous mountain. With accessibility options and hidden challenges, it caters to both casual and hardcore gamers.

2 Hollow Knight

Explore a Vast Insect Kingdom in a Challenging Metroidvania

Hollow Knight's non-linear exploration and tough boss battles offer a satisfying challenge to players willing to delve into its atmospheric world. While the difficulty may feel intense at times, the game's depth and lore make it a rewarding experience.

1 Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Navigate Perilous Jumps and Enemies in a Tropical Adventure

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze delivers classic platforming challenges with a modern twist, offering a tough but enjoyable experience for players of all skill levels. With diverse characters and gameplay modes, it provides a balanced mix of difficulty and fun.