Difficulties Loom for The Last of Us 3 in Weaving Its Storylines

The Last of Us 2 has expanded the series' narrative, potentially complicating the path for the next entry.
Difficulties Loom for The Last of Us 3 in Weaving Its Storylines


  • The Last of Us 3 may struggle to connect intricate plot elements and conclude character arcs from previous games.
  • The uncertain futures of key characters like Ellie, Abby, and groups such as the WLF hint at tangled storytelling in the upcoming installment.
  • To achieve a satisfying resolution, The Last of Us 3 might need to concentrate on a single character or group, a challenging task given the array of storylines to reconcile.

Neil Druckmann, the President of Naughty Dog, has hinted at possible plans for a sequel to The Last of Us Part 2. In a recent documentary, he mentioned that he sees potential for 'one more chapter' in the post-apocalyptic saga. While The Last of Us 3 holds promise, the series' intricate and divergent storyline could pose a significant hurdle.

The Last of Us Part 2 significantly enriches the franchise's narrative. Regardless of personal opinions, the game takes bold storytelling risks: it eliminates Joel, introduces new compelling characters like Abby, Lev, Dina, and her child, and further expands the game world with factions like the Seraphites. Additionally, the sequel delves deep into character growth, burdening protagonists like Ellie and Tommy with profound emotional baggage. By the conclusion of The Last of Us 2, it appears as if a narrative explosion has scattered characters, plot points, and lore across the landscape.

The Last of Us 3 Faces a Complex Task of Unification

The Last of Us 2 Leaves Loose Ends

The pivotal characters in The Last of Us Part 2, Abby and Ellie, both survive the events of the game. Following a brief confrontation in California, Abby and Lev embark on a journey by sea in search of a better life. Meanwhile, Ellie, seemingly finding closure regarding Joel's death, returns home to discover Dina and her son have departed. The game concludes with Ellie heading towards an unknown destination, and Abby and Lev continuing their quest, likely in pursuit of any remaining Firefly remnants.

Potential Complications in The Last of Us 3

With many uncertainties lingering, the stage seems set for The Last of Us 3. However, the challenge of logically and satisfyingly tying up the story remains. While questions persist about the futures of Abby, Lev, Ellie, and groups like the WLF, integrating these narrative threads could prove intricate. For instance, there seems to be no organic reason for Abby and Ellie to cross paths again. Even if their individual stories offer compelling directions, assimilating them into a cohesive narrative might be problematic.

The Last of Us 3 could opt to focus on a single character or group, providing a definitive conclusion for individuals like Ellie, Tommy, and Dina, while leaving the fates of Abby and Lev open-ended, or vice versa. Concentrating on a specific set of characters could yield a compelling tale, but it might neglect unresolved storylines and characters. Conversely, attempting to harmonize the diverse plot threads and character trajectories of the series could be arduous, if not unattainable, without significant contrivances.

Druckmann's hints imply that Part 3 will mark the conclusion of The Last of Us, serving as a swan song for the series. This finality could lead to a poignant and impactful experience akin to the legacy of The Last of Us Part 2, although the multitude of divergent elements in the series could present a formidable challenge.