New Developments in Store for Witcher and Cyberpunk Games

Exploring CD Projekt Red's latest insights on the upcoming Witcher and Cyberpunk titles, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the future of these beloved franchises.
New Developments in Store for Witcher and Cyberpunk Games


  • CD Projekt Red provides updates on ongoing Witcher & Cyberpunk projects and reveals plans for multiple game franchises.
  • The Witcher sequel boasts the largest development team, while the Cyberpunk follow-up is still in its conceptual phase.
  • Exciting future game endeavors by CDPR spark enthusiasm among fans and industry observers.

Renowned Polish game developer CD Projekt Red has recently unveiled fresh information regarding the trajectory of its gaming series, such as The Witcher and Cyberpunk. Generating fervor among enthusiasts, the company has shed light on its current project roster, showcasing the upcoming array of games in its pipeline.

In a notable move back in October 2022, CDPR disclosed its intentions to delve into various Witcher and Cyberpunk ventures, in addition to a new intellectual property, all concurrently. Since then, it has been steadily advancing along this path, notably releasing a significant DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 named Phantom Liberty. Maintaining its commitment to transparency, CDPR has been periodically updating fans on the progress of each planned game.

Through its official Twitter handle, CDPR recently shared insights into its upcoming releases, which include three Witcher titles, a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077, and a fresh IP known as Hadar. The lead game in the next Witcher trilogy, Project Polaris, is currently in the pre-production phase. Similarly, Project Sirius, another Witcher installment, is also in this initial stage. Conversely, the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077, codenamed Project Orion, and the remake of the original Witcher game are still in the conceptual phase. Moreover, Hadar appears to be at the earliest stage of development, currently residing in the IP concept phase.

Furthermore, CDPR revealed that a significant portion of its development team — precisely 403 developers — is dedicated to the Witcher sequel, expected to enter production this year. On the other hand, 47 developers are engaged in the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, with 37 developers focusing on Project Sirius. Meanwhile, Hadar, the new IP, has a team of only 20 developers. Notably, Project Sirius, Project Orion, and Hadar are being internally developed by CDPR, while external studios are involved in other projects.

Insights into the Future of Witcher and Cyberpunk

Based on the latest updates from CD Projekt Red's roadmap, it appears that the Witcher sequel and the third-party Witcher project are progressing further in development compared to other initiatives. The substantial workforce dedicated to the upcoming Witcher title strongly suggests it will be the next flagship release from the developer. Conversely, the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, still in the conceptual phase, is likely further down the development timeline, despite recent hiring efforts for Project Orion. As for Hadar, it seems to be several years away from completion.

CD Projekt Red holds the rights to two immensely popular gaming franchises of recent times. Naturally, any revelations about their future endeavors from the developer ignite anticipation and speculation among fans. With ambitious plans laid out, it will be intriguing to witness how CD Projekt Red executes these visions and whether their games will live up to the lofty expectations of their audience.