Capturing Lelek: A Guide for Thaumaturge Players

Discover how to capture Lelek, a powerful Mind Dimension Salutor that can aid you in combat and investigations.
Capturing Lelek: A Guide for Thaumaturge Players


  • Learn how to start the quest to find Lelek
  • Navigate through battles and investigations to track down Lelek
  • Understand Lelek's abilities and how to effectively use them in combat

Salutors play a vital role in The Thaumaturge, enhancing combat and investigative capabilities. Wiktor's effectiveness in various Dimensions is boosted by acquiring suitable Salutors, aiding in combat and analysis. The acquisition of Salutors linked to specific Dimensions is essential for overcoming enemy traits and ensuring success in challenging battles.

Early in chapter 1, players can obtain Lelek, the first Mind Dimension Salutor available in the game. Lelek proves to be a valuable asset in combat, with the ability to counter certain enemy traits effectively. Its skills include reducing enemy focus and providing protection for Wiktor against negative effects.

Embarking on the Quest

To locate Lelek, players must first complete the quests "The Mermaid City's Son" and "What We Leave Behind." These quests lead Wiktor to investigate the site of his father's demise, eventually reuniting him with an old acquaintance and initiating the quest that unveils Lelek's whereabouts.

Pursuing the Adversaries

Following a turbulent reunion with his friend Abaurycy Niedzic, Wiktor is presented with a chance at redemption. Venturing into the London Bar to confront three troublemakers, Wiktor catches a glimpse of a Salutor just before engaging in combat.

Engaging in Battle

In the ensuing conflict, Wiktor faces off against three adversaries with Abaurycy as an ally. Each enemy presents unique challenges, such as invulnerability and rapid health recovery. By strategizing with Salutors and allies, players can overcome these foes efficiently, exploiting vulnerabilities and inflicting damage over time to secure victory.

Unveiling Lelek's Domain

After the confrontation, as Abaurycy and his acquaintances depart jovially, Wiktor's discovery of the Salutor prompts a series of revelations and investigations at the London Bar. Through meticulous analysis and interactions, the path to Lelek's manifestation becomes clearer, setting the stage for a critical encounter.

Continue the quest by following Abaurycy to the Elysium bar, where further revelations and challenges await, leading players deeper into the mystery surrounding Lelek's presence and influence.

Confronting the Shadows

As the quest progresses, confrontations with entities under Lelek's sway intensify, culminating in a climactic showdown. Utilize strategic prowess and the unique abilities of Salutors to overcome these formidable foes, including Lelek itself. By effectively countering Lelek's disruptive abilities and leveraging Salutor skills, players can emerge victorious and free those ensnared by its influence.

Deciphering Lelek's Powers

Lelek's capabilities center around manipulating focus and negative statuses, offering a strategic edge in combat. With skills like Deceptive Song, Mournful Tones, and Somber Trill, Lelek can disrupt enemy tactics and shield allies effectively. Understanding and harnessing Lelek's powers is crucial to mastering the challenges that lie ahead in The Thaumaturge.