Addressing Overpowered Renetti in Call of Duty

Raven Software confirms upcoming changes to curb the dominance of a powerful makeshift SMG that has been overshadowing the Call of Duty meta.
Addressing Overpowered Renetti in Call of Duty


  • Renetti handgun in Call of Duty: Warzone set for a nerf due to its overpowered nature.
  • The Renetti combined with an SMG kit has been a force in the game with its incredibly fast time-to-kill.
  • Raven Software working on adjustments to balance the Renetti, aiming for a near-future rollout.

Call of Duty: Warzone is preparing to address the dominance of the Renetti, as announced by Raven Software. This particular version of the pistol, when converted into a makeshift SMG, has been reigning supreme in the Call of Duty: Warzone meta for quite some time.

Initially introduced in the 2019 reboot of Modern Warfare, the Renetti handgun gained further popularity in Warzone and the 2023 Call of Duty. However, its usage skyrocketed during the early days of the third season of Modern Warfare 3 in April. Following significant nerfs to other SMGs in the latest seasonal update, players gravitated towards the Renetti equipped with the JAK Ferocity Carbine Conversion Kit, transforming it into a rapid-fire weapon with an astonishingly quick time-to-kill of under half a second.

Upcoming Renetti Nerf in Call of Duty

Raven Software, the developer behind Call of Duty: Warzone, is now determined to address the Renetti issue by implementing changes to rebalance the pistol's dominance in the meta. The studio is currently fine-tuning the Renetti with the aim of rolling out these adjustments in the near future, as indicated in an announcement on April 9.

Recent Warzone Update Boosts Renetti Further

Meanwhile, the most recent update for Call of Duty: Warzone on April 9 has actually enhanced the Renetti's performance even more. The latest changelog from Raven Software reveals an increase of over 10% in the handgun's maximum damage range, from 11.68 to 12.95 meters. Prior to this adjustment, the Renetti was already a formidable force at medium ranges, resulting in player frustrations over its quick lethality.

In close-quarters engagements, the combination of the Renetti and JAK Ferocity Carbine Conversion Kit currently provides unmatched firepower, boasting a time-to-kill of only 490ms. This makeshift SMG outperforms the second most lethal weapon in its class, the HRM-9, by 20%. Consequently, the meta has shifted to a peculiar state where the Renetti stands out as both the top SMG and one of the finest handguns in Call of Duty: MW3 and Warzone, depending on the loadout.

The duration of this dominance remains uncertain. Nevertheless, judging from the uproar on social media, a substantial portion of the Call of Duty community is eagerly anticipating the Renetti nerf to level the playing field.