Players Express Discontent Over Bots in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile

Recent changes in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile have introduced an excessive number of bots in online matches, sparking frustration among players.
Players Express Discontent Over Bots in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile


  • The Season 3 update of Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile has caused a surge in bot presence, altering the gameplay experience for some users.
  • Players are raising concerns about encountering an overwhelming number of bots instead of human opponents in Warzone Mobile matches.
  • Despite the backlash, Warzone Mobile has the potential to enhance gameplay by addressing player feedback and refining gaming issues.

Activision recently launched a significant season update for Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, resulting in a notable increase in bot appearances in competitive online matches. This imbalance between human and bot players has led to a rise in complaints from users who feel that Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile has become too easy due to this change.

The newly unveiled Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile aims to bridge the gap between the mobile and console Call of Duty experiences. Aligned with this goal, the developer released the Season 3 update for Modern Warfare 3, Warzone, and Warzone Mobile simultaneously on April 3. However, since the latest update, Warzone Mobile has encountered issues, with many players reporting problems related to bots.

On platforms like Reddit, numerous Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile players have voiced their dissatisfaction, highlighting a noticeable increase in bot presence across different game modes post-Season 3 update. Players have found it easier to score kills, while others facing imbalanced teams with more bots than real players have expressed frustration at being overshadowed by opposing teams with a higher human player count.

The sudden surge in bot numbers has disrupted matches, impacting player immersion and overall enjoyment. Comments on these posts consistently convey frustration and irritation at competing against subpar AI instead of real opponents. Players argue that the excess of bots has skewed the online gaming experience, with KD ratios rising while the competitive thrill dwindles.

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile Can Improve Over Time

Despite facing criticism shortly after the launch of Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, it is still early enough for the game to recover. Many multiplayer games experience initial challenges that require ironing out, and the developers at Activision are currently tasked with this. Despite the backlash, Warzone Mobile has shown promise in terms of revenue, needing now to enhance the gaming experience based on player input. Proactively addressing player feedback will be crucial for the future success of Warzone Mobile in the mobile gaming market.