Bringing Back the Magic: Project Rene's Solution to The Sims 4's Occult Deficiency

Exploring the absence of key occults in The Sims 4 and how Project Rene aims to reintroduce them with a fresh perspective.
Bringing Back the Magic: Project Rene's Solution to The Sims 4's Occult Deficiency


  • Reviving beloved occults like PlantSims and Mermaids with enhanced characteristics and gameplay mechanics.
  • Introducing new occults like Fairies, Unicorns, and Genies to fill the gap left by The Sims 4.
  • Reimagining occult gameplay to offer players a more immersive and diverse supernatural experience.

Even though The Sims is primarily a life simulation game, it has always embraced supernatural elements. The occult Sims and their gameplay have garnered a dedicated following within the The Sims community, providing a unique platform for storytelling. However, The Sims 4 falls short in the occult department compared to its predecessors, creating an opportunity for Project Rene to step in and fill this void.

Within the realm of The Sims, occults, known as life states, encompass a wide range of fantastical beings, from traditional monsters like werewolves and vampires to original creations like PlantSims and Servos. These life states come with distinct appearances, needs, desires, and special abilities that differentiate them from regular Sims.

Reviving Classic Sims 4 Occults in Project Rene


First introduced in The Sims 2, PlantSims are elf-like Sims with a deep connection to nature. In previous iterations, they exhibited green skin and unique needs such as Water, Sunlight, and Love. Renowned for their gardening prowess, PlantSims boasted exceptional gardening skills, the ability to communicate with plants, and the magical ability to revive dying flora. While The Sims 4 briefly introduced PlantSims, it failed to capture the essence of these nature-bound beings beyond a superficial green hue.


Debuting in The Sims 3: Island Paradise, mermaids have been a contentious addition to The Sims 4 due to their limited gameplay features. With unique needs including Hydration and a reliance on saltwater, mermaids offer a visually appealing and narratively rich gameplay experience. To truly shine in Project Rene, mermaids must receive the attention to detail they deserve, ensuring they are fully integrated into the occult ecosystem.

Introducing Fresh Occults to Project Rene


Not present in The Sims 4, fairies made a significant impact in The Sims 3: Supernatural with their customizable wings, magical abilities, and nature affinity. Players resonated with the enchanting world of fairies, eagerly anticipating their return. While hints of their comeback surfaced in The Sims 4, Project Rene offers a prime opportunity to rekindle the magic of these ethereal beings.


Anticipation surrounded the potential reappearance of unicorns in The Sims 4: Horse Ranch, only to be met with cosmetic disappointment. Originating in The Sims 3: Pets, unicorns captivated players with their mystical blessings and curses. Project Rene must surpass the shallow representation seen in The Sims 4, providing players with a deeper and more engaging unicorn experience.


A staple of the The Sims series, genies were notably absent in The Sims 4, depriving players of their magical presence. Previously featured in The Sims 3: Showtime, genies offered a plethora of supernatural abilities, hinting at untapped potential. Project Rene has the opportunity to explore and expand upon the mystique of genies, offering players a renewed sense of wonder in the occult realm.