Breaking Through Barriers in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Discover how to overcome the obstructing walls in the game and unveil hidden treasures.
Breaking Through Barriers in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden


  • Learn how to identify and break destructible walls
  • Utilize Antea's Outburst Manifestation effectively
  • Uncover hidden treasures behind destructible walls

In the captivating world of Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, unraveling the mysteries of the Nightmare in New Eden is a thrilling adventure. As players delve deeper, they encounter various enigmatic obstacles that demand exploration and discovery.

At the outset of the journey, players encounter blocked paths that can only be accessed after reaching certain milestones in the storyline and acquiring the necessary tools. To unlock these pathways, players must acquire new Manifestations for Antea. This guide unveils the process of breaking through destructible walls in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden.

How to Overcome Destructible Walls in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

When observed from Red's perspective, destructible walls appear as a collection of rocks, seemingly impassable. However, a switch to Antea reveals a distinctive blue aura surrounding these rocks, indicating their destructible nature and the secrets they conceal, which may include wooden planks.

Players of Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden can only breach these barriers once Antea acquires the Outburst Manifestation. This ability is unleashed after a rest at the Shelter in the Mire Marshlands. Simple yet potent, Outburst empowers Antea to demolish the obstructing walls. Here's how to proceed:

  • Approach the destructible wall
  • Switch to Antea
  • Press and hold the R2/RB button for a few seconds, then release it
  • Antea generates a forceful burst, shattering the wall

Upon gaining this capability, players should consult their maps for more destructible walls, marked accordingly. Swift travel to the nearest location, eliminate the barrier, and unearth a trove of treasures.

Besides wall demolition, Antea's Outburst serves as a potent combat tool, especially against multiple foes. Transition to Antea, charge the R2/RB button, release it at optimum power, and witness the obliteration of adversaries.