Breaking Developmental Rules with Another Crab's Treasure

Exploring how Another Crab's Treasure challenges conventional game development principles.
Breaking Developmental Rules with Another Crab's Treasure


  • Another Crab's Treasure introduces a unique twist to the Soulslike genre.
  • The game's difficulty level intentionally challenges traditional game development norms.
  • Boss fights in Another Crab's Treasure incorporate humor and mechanics for added challenge.

In the realm of game development, there are unspoken rules that many developers adhere to. However, Aggro Crab's upcoming game, Another Crab's Treasure, ventures into uncharted territory, defying expectations and setting itself apart from typical Soulslike titles.

While Another Crab's Treasure stands out as a remarkable entry in the Soulslike genre, it does share a common trait with its counterparts: its level of difficulty. Game Rant recently had a chance to sit down with Nick Kaman, the studio head and art director, and Caelan Pollock, the creative director and narrative lead, to discuss how the game breaks a fundamental rule in game development.

Unprecedented Challenge in Another Crab's Treasure

Boss battles are often the pinnacle of a Soulslike game, offering players the ultimate test of skill and strategy. In Another Crab's Treasure, each boss encounter is meticulously crafted to present a unique set of challenges, keeping players engaged and on their toes. Kaman shed light on the game's innovative approach to difficulty, particularly emphasizing the influence of humor in boss mechanics.

One such boss, Heikea - the Intimidation Crab, exemplifies the game's whimsical yet challenging design philosophy. By infusing humor into the core of gameplay mechanics, Another Crab's Treasure defies conventional game development wisdom, especially when it comes to difficulty. Kaman revealed that the deliberate intention behind the game's steep challenge, even for the developers themselves, is a conscious departure from the norm.

Contrary to the belief that a game should not pose a significant challenge to its creators, Aggro Crab embraces the unconventional nature of Soulslike games, pushing boundaries and ensuring that Another Crab's Treasure offers a formidable experience for all players. Navigating the mysterious underwater world of the game will undoubtedly test the skills of even the most seasoned Soulslike enthusiasts, promising an adventure like no other.