Braving the Challenge: Potion Seller Quest Guide

Master the Potion Seller quest in No Rest For The Wicked by conquering challenging platforming sections. Here's your comprehensive guide.
Braving the Challenge: Potion Seller Quest Guide


  • Discovering The Potion Seller's Cave
  • Completing The Potion Seller's Quest
  • Exploring The Hidden Cave After Quest Completion

No Rest For The Wicked offers a quest experience that strikes a fine balance between guidance and exploration. Players are challenged to discover hidden adventures on the perilous Isola Sacra. One such escapade involves The Potion Seller, concealed within a cave beneath the Orban Glades, featuring a daunting platforming segment.

Unveiling the Path to The Potion Seller's Cave

Initiating the quest is as demanding as the subsequent journey. The elusive cave housing the potion seller is a well-kept secret, accessible only to those who know where to seek. Here's how to locate it:

  • Initiate Fast Travel to the Sacrament Whisper.
  • Exit the town through the Orban Glades and progress until the bridge near the campfire is reached.
  • Descend the screen just before reaching the bridge.
  • Spot a sizable ladder leading down to a ledge connecting to the cave harboring the Potion Seller.
  • Engage in conversation with the Potion Seller to commence the quest.

Navigating The Potion Seller's Quest Successfully

Tracking Down The Iona Bloom

The quest's inception involves locating the rare Iona Bloom, a unique flower thriving within the potion seller's lair. Follow these steps to secure it:

  • Head left and downward from the Potion Seller, traversing a narrow passageway to a vast chamber within the cave.
  • Descend from the ledge, traverse the hall to the right, and eliminate any intervening adversaries.
  • Moving forward from the right wall, leap onto the hanging vines, ascend, and proceed onward.
  • Ascend the ladder, veer left along the wall, and upon reaching a dead end, drop down onto a ledge.
  • Utilize the wall vines to navigate leftward and upward, ultimately reaching the Cerim Whisper adjacent to Iona's Bloom.

Returning to the Potion Maker

After reaching the Iona Bloom, the quest intensifies with formidable adversaries and challenging platforming sections:

  • Plunge into the water from the ledge next to the Cerim Whisper.
  • Ascend the stone ledge and interact with the hanging orange on the Iona Bloom to enter a mystical realm.
  • Traverse the platform, utilizing spectral stairs for elevation.
  • Upon reaching the Whisper, descend and retrace the previous path.
  • Instead of descending, leverage spectral platforms to traverse the cavern horizontally.
  • Advance to the right cavern side, ascend the vine wall, and overcome any obstructing foes.
  • Leap across a gap, ascend using spectral platforms, then climb the vines.
  • Proceed onward, bypassing or defeating enemies, and ascend the top spectral platform.
  • The correct route veers upwards and left, with a downward path leading to hidden adversaries and treasure, while the rightward path advances the quest's conclusion.
  • Continue along the path until the quest's culmination. The subsequent spectral platform materializes upon reaching the prior one's end.
  • Plunge into the pool from the waterfall's brink, swim to the rocky outcrop, and descend the ladder to rendezvous with the Potion Seller. Dialogue closure triggers a new shop at Sacrament.

Post the Potion Seller quest, revisit and explore the cave thoroughly. Abundant resources await, accessible via spectral platforms activated by the Iona Flower. Remember to equip an iron pickaxe for ore vein extraction.