Borderlands Elemental Damage Tier List

The Borderlands series boasts a diverse range of Elemental damage types that players can utilize, with some offering essential utilities.
Borderlands Elemental Damage Tier List


  • Corrosive, Incendiary, and Shock damage are top-tier elements crucial for players in various scenarios.
  • Radiation damage, when combined with other elements, can swiftly dismantle formidable foes.
  • Cryo damage effectively freezes enemies, augmenting damage from melee and critical hits.

Within the Borderlands universe, including the mainline games and the spin-off series Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, players encounter a wide array of unique Elemental damage types. When paired with specialized skill builds, some of these Elements from the Borderlands franchise can prove highly potent, even without significant investment.

Exploring the Elements across the Borderlands franchise illustrates the evolution and adaptation of the series over the years. With recent games introducing new Elements, reworking, or retiring some, a few Elements have emerged as standout choices.

Top Tier (S-Tier)

Corrosive/Poison, Incendiary/Fire, Shock/Lightning

Unless players pursue highly specialized builds, it's practically an unwritten rule in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands and the Borderlands franchise to have at least one source of each of these three Elements equipped at all times during endgame content. This trio of Elemental damage can effectively penetrate armor, flesh, and shields, ensuring players are universally prepared for any encounter.


Radiation damage, on its own, holds significant power as it can spread to nearby targets during combat. Its true strength, however, lies in its ability to synergize with other Elements and damage types, significantly enhancing its effectiveness. Pairing Radiation damage with splash damage creates a highly effective combo for crowd control. Additionally, when combined with other Elements that cause Damage over Time (DoT), Radiation damage can swiftly dismantle formidable foes such as Borderlands’ Raid bosses.

High Tier (A-Tier)


The Cryo Element's ability to freeze targets proves immensely potent, as frozen enemies suffer substantially increased damage from melee and critical hits. While boss-type enemies are often immune to being frozen, Cryo still slows them down, making them easier targets.

Dark Magic

This Element from Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands mirrors the Transfusion damage type from the Borderlands franchise, healing players upon dealing damage. Although Dark Magic damage lacks a DoT status effect, it offers highly valuable utility. The concept of making Transfusion damage its own Element in future Borderlands games could revolutionize endgame buildcrafting.

Mid Tier (B-Tier)


Exclusive to Borderlands 2, the Slag Element, while theoretically promising, faced criticism from the community. Although not prevalent in normal and Ultimate Vault Hunter difficulties, it becomes almost mandatory in the Overpowered Level difficulties, limiting players to using specific gear. This restriction contradicts the essence of a looter-shooter, especially given the vast variety of weapons in the Borderlands franchise. The potential of the Slag Element remains largely untapped due to its problematic implementation in Borderlands 2.

Low Tier (C-Tier)


In the early Borderlands games, Explosive damage being classified as its own Element meant that most weapons with Explosive damage couldn't utilize other Elements. Although there are exceptions, the majority of rocket launchers and Torgue weapons in the Borderlands franchise lacked the capability to have another Elemental damage type besides Explosive. With Explosive damage transitioning into 'splash' damage in Borderlands 3, which could then be commonly paired with other Elements, Explosive damage became outdated and underwhelming.


Technically, Non-Elemental damage can be considered its own Element. While universally effective against any enemy, other Elements consistently outperform Non-Elemental damage due to their unique status effects, utility, and synergies.