Why Borderlands 4 Should Explore New Worlds to Enhance Lore

Exploring new planets can elevate the Borderlands franchise and deepen the backstory of Vault Hunters.
Why Borderlands 4 Should Explore New Worlds to Enhance Lore


  • Borderlands 4 can enrich lore by delving into Vault Hunter backstories on new planets.
  • Moving away from traditional settings like Pandora can bring fresh excitement to Borderlands 4.
  • Exploring diverse planets in Borderlands 4 can address past game issues and elevate the overall experience.

The realm of sci-fi has left a profound mark on video games, with futuristic elements seeping into various genres. From high-tech weaponry in shooters to quirky crossovers like The Sims 4's Star Wars expansion, the trend of planet exploration has been gaining momentum in gaming. Borderlands 3 made a bold move by venturing beyond Pandora, setting the stage for Borderlands 4 to capitalize on the current fascination with space exploration.

Building on the success of Borderlands 3's planetary exploration, the next installment should prioritize expanding to new worlds. While Pandora holds a special place in fans' hearts, Borderlands 4 can carve its own niche by venturing into uncharted territories and introducing players to captivating new landscapes.

The Importance of Diversifying Planet Exploration in Borderlands 4

Embracing the Trend of Extensive Planet Exploration

The thirst for space adventures continues to grow, with titles like Starfield setting new standards. Although not synonymous with space exploration, Borderlands 4 has the opportunity to surpass its predecessor by expanding beyond Pandora and immersing players in the home planets of beloved Vault Hunters.

A deeper dive into planet exploration can enrich the game's lore, as seen with the popularity of locations like Eden-6, home to Jakobs. By exploring planets tied to key characters such as Hermes and their unique features, Borderlands 4 can deepen the narrative and offer players a richer gaming experience.

Unveiling New Worlds for Enhanced Character Development

In addition to known planets, Borderlands 4 could shed light on locations like Dionysus and Artemis, linked to prominent Vault Hunters. Fleshing out these backstories can add layers to the characters and expand the game's universe. While revisiting Pandora has its charm, venturing into uncharted territories can inject fresh energy into the franchise.

Despite the visual appeal of certain planets in Borderlands 3, addressing issues like size discrepancies and mission quality is crucial for Borderlands 4 to deliver a seamless experience. While Pandora remains iconic, the next installment has the chance to push boundaries and offer players an even grander adventure.