Understanding Karma in BitLife

Discover how Karma impacts your character’s well-being and learn how to manage it effectively in BitLife.
Understanding Karma in BitLife


  • Karma measures the good and bad actions of your character in BitLife.
  • Performing good deeds such as helping others and serving the country's military increases Karma.
  • Negative actions like crime, cheating, and assault can significantly decrease Karma.

BitLife is an immersive life simulation game that allows players to make impactful decisions and shape the lives of virtual characters. At every stage, from education to career and relationships, the choices made directly influence the characters' happiness and well-being.

Karma plays a crucial role in BitLife, recording the virtuous and detrimental actions of the character. This comprehensive guide provides insights into the significance of Karma in BitLife.

Ways to Manage Karma in BitLife

Karma serves as a metric in BitLife that tracks the positive and negative activities of the character. Engaging in benevolent actions elevates Karma, while unethical behavior diminishes it.

Several altruistic deeds can elevate your Karma, such as:

  • Embracing adoption
  • Extending apologies
  • Expressing kindness towards others
  • Offering compliments
  • Donating heirlooms
  • Prioritizing mental and physical well-being
  • Generously gifting others
  • Supporting family financially
  • Aiding the homeless
  • Assisting individuals in need
  • Engaging in meditation
  • Reporting illicit activities of friends
  • Encouraging positivity
  • Providing support to friends during challenges
  • Saving lives
  • Serving in the country's military

Maintaining a virtuous demeanor and making positive choices in various life events are essential to sustain high Karma. A commendable Karma level brings forth numerous benefits, potentially extending the character's lifespan and facilitating resilience during adversities, such as illnesses. Furthermore, positive Karma can enhance the likelihood of career advancements.

Conversely, engaging in detrimental actions can substantially reduce Karma in BitLife. These actions include:

  • Engaging in arguments
  • Committing assaults
  • Involvement in criminal activities
  • Insulting others
  • Neglecting to save a life in peril
  • Transmitting STDs
  • Betraying a romantic partner
  • Abandoning offspring or pets
  • Serving time in prison
  • Physical altercations
  • Skipping funerals
  • Experimenting with drugs
  • Attempting to evade accountability for misdeeds

A decreased level of Karma may attract adverse occurrences in the character's life, potentially leading to unfavorable outcomes and a shortened lifespan. In BitLife, players can ascertain their Karma value by meditating or upon the character's demise, as it remains a concealed statistic. To check Karma, navigate to the 'Activities' section and select 'Meditate' under 'Mind and Body'.