The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Own Cult in BitLife

Discover how to lead your own cult and gain loyal followers in the virtual world of BitLife.
The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Own Cult in BitLife


  • Learn how to start a cult and attract followers in BitLife
  • Understand the importance of selecting the right doctrine for your cult
  • Discover effective ways to increase the loyalty of your cult members

Have you ever imagined being able to completely restart your life based on your own preferences? While this might not be possible in reality, BitLife offers a remarkably similar experience. In BitLife, you have the power to craft your own story, making conscious decisions that shape the life of your virtual character from an early age.

From making friends to building relationships, marrying someone, and even starting a cult, BitLife allows you to immerse yourself in a world where you can gain followers who support your ideology and philosophy. However, be prepared to encounter naysayers as well. If you aspire to become a leader in this 'reimagined' life, read on to learn how to start your own cult in BitLife.

Step 1: Building Your Community

The first step in building your cult community in BitLife involves a small investment, as players need to pay a $5 fee in real life to access the Cult Expansion Pack. Once you have the pack, you must select a commune where your cult members will reside. To do this, go to the Activities Tab, find Commune, and choose from a list of available plots to purchase.

The location of your commune is crucial. Each area has an Appeal Bar, with a higher bar indicating greater potential attraction for community members. You can purchase a commune using cash or through a mortgage. Unlike real life, opting for a mortgage isn't a bad idea, as your character will have monthly and annual membership fees to help pay off the property.

Step 2: Doctrine Selection

After acquiring a commune, you will need to decide on the doctrine for your cult. Think of the doctrine as an introduction, where you can name your cult and establish its philosophy, rules, and beliefs. The doctrine involves answering three questions of varying natures. Once this is completed, your cult is officially created, and you can begin attracting followers.

There is a loyalty meter that indicates how much your cult members embrace your philosophy and viewpoints. You will also receive annual statistics about your cult, providing a brief overview of the followers you have accumulated, their loyalty to your clan, and the revenue generated through membership fees.

Step 3: Increasing the Loyalty Meter

The loyalty meter is a crucial factor in determining your cult's success. The more loyal your members are, the easier it becomes to propagate your philosophy and attract new followers.

You can engage in various community activities to boost your cult's loyalty meter, such as Teaching, Conducting Ceremonies, and Outreach Missions. These activities foster engagement within your commune, strengthening members' loyalty to your philosophy and cult.