Bitlife Guide: How to Successfully Accomplish the Pushing Roses Mission

Master the Pushing Roses challenge in Bitlife by conquering five intricate tasks. Here’s your ultimate guide to nail it.
Bitlife Guide: How to Successfully Accomplish the Pushing Roses Mission


  • Understand the intricacies of Bitlife challenges
  • Follow a step-by-step approach to ace the Pushing Roses challenge
  • Ensure your Bitlife character's success by completing all the required tasks

Designed by Candywriter, Bitlife is an engaging text-based simulation game that empowers you to shape every aspect of your character's life journey, from inception to demise, including their birthplace and gender.

Unlike traditional simulation games, BitLife doesn't rely on elaborate graphics. Instead, it presents a straightforward interface where decisions are made through text-based choices. The scope is vast. You can lead a flourishing life as a legal professional or aspire to the presidency, or take a more sinister route as a crime syndicate leader. To keep players engaged, BitLife introduces frequent challenges to tackle. Here's how you can tackle the Pushing Roses challenge.

Mastering the Pushing Roses Challenge in Bitlife

The Pushing Roses Challenge is currently active in Bitlife. Here's the breakdown of the challenge's five tasks:

  • Ensure your character is born as a female in Louisiana.
  • Commit matricide at age 23.
  • Serve a 10-year prison sentence.
  • Pen a memoir post-release from prison.
  • Tie the knot within two years after leaving prison.

Nailing Birth as a Female in Louisiana in Bitlife

Initiating the challenge is relatively simple. Opt for a female gender and select New Orleans, Louisiana, as your birthplace. Consider pursuing literature, acting, modeling, or becoming an internet personality like a blogger or YouTuber to increase your chances of fame, which plays a crucial role in this challenge.

Executing Matricide in Bitlife

When your character hits the age of 23, navigate to the Crime section under the ‘Activities' tab and opt for Murder. Choose your character's Mother from the available options. Opt for a method like poison that can be linked back to you. Being charged with murder sets you up for the subsequent prison task.

Serving a Decade in Prison

If you manage to commit the murder without repercussions, commit another crime like bank robbery to serve a 10-year sentence, ensuring completion of this segment of the challenge.

Crafting a Memoir in Bitlife

Once your fame level is significant, document your life journey and criminal activities in a memoir. Aim to attain fame through acting or writing before committing the murder to ace this challenge.

Getting Hitched Within 2 Years of Prison Release

To conquer the final step of the Pushing Roses Challenge, find a partner, nurture a romantic bond, and propose within two years of your prison release to successfully complete the challenge.