BioWare's Unconfirmed Third Project Sparks Excitement Among Fans

Speculations arise as a recent job listing hints at BioWare potentially working on a mystery game alongside Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.
BioWare's Unconfirmed Third Project Sparks Excitement Among Fans


  • BioWare is actively developing Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, but a new job listing hints at a possible third project in the works.
  • The studio seeks a development manager to oversee multiple project teams, indicating the existence of an undisclosed game alongside the highly anticipated titles.
  • Fans anticipate updates and rumors suggest a potential reveal of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf at the Summer Game Fest, adding to the excitement surrounding BioWare's projects.

BioWare enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating the upcoming releases of Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. However, recent developments suggest that the renowned developer may have additional projects in progress. BioWare has a rich history of creating beloved Western RPGs, including iconic titles like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, alongside licensed classics such as Neverwinter Nights and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

These franchises have played a significant role in shaping BioWare's identity since the late 2000s. Currently, the studio is actively working on new installments of both Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, announced in 2018 as a sequel to Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Mass Effect 4, which surprised gamers with its official reveal in 2020, continuing the storyline from the original trilogy.

Recent speculations have surfaced regarding a potential undisclosed project being developed alongside the highly anticipated sequels. A new job listing posted by BioWare indicates the need for a temporary development manager to oversee coordination across '2-3 diverse project teams.' While two teams are likely dedicated to Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, the listing hints at the existence of at least one more project within BioWare's development pipeline.

Unveiling a Mystery Game

Earlier this year, BioWare underwent layoffs as part of Electronic Arts' restructuring, but reassurances were made regarding the unaffected progress of the next Mass Effect installment. Development of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf remains on track, with rumors hinting at a possible launch later this year. Fans are anticipating potential updates on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf during the upcoming Summer Game Fest in June.

The recent job listing for a temporary development manager suggests that BioWare might have a surprise in store as Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf near completion. The mysterious BioWare project could range from a spin-off of existing franchises to an entirely new venture. While details are scarce, the mere mention in the job posting hints at exciting prospects, although confirmation from BioWare regarding this third project may still be some time away.