Discovering Biomorph's Unique Accessibility in Soulslike Gaming

Exploring how Biomorph's developers embraced a balance between challenge and accessibility within the Metroidvania genre inspired by Soulslike mechanics.
Discovering Biomorph's Unique Accessibility in Soulslike Gaming


  • Biomorph offers a balanced challenge, diverging from the extreme difficulty of traditional Soulslike games.
  • Boss fights in Biomorph are pattern-based, encouraging strategic thinking and mastery for a gratifying triumph.
  • Players can customize their playstyle with various weapons and transformations, adapting to different in-game obstacles.

Metroidvanias like Biomorph are a fusion of Metroid and Castlevania, but in recent times, they have drawn inspiration from the notorious Souls series by FromSoftware, especially in terms of challenge and death mechanics. Titles such as Hollow Knight and Salt and Sanctuary are frequently labeled as Soulslike alongside Metroidvanias. Even Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has integrated Metroidvania elements like ability gating with a Souls-esque combat system.

Game Rant conversed with Lucid Dreams' founders, Maxime Grégoire and Francis Lapierre, shedding light on how this trend influenced the development of Biomorph. While Biomorph presents challenges and incorporates Soulslike elements, the developers aimed for a more inclusive approach rather than sticking to the hardcore difficulty philosophy.

How Biomorph Strives for Inclusivity in Gaming

The allure of Soulslike games lies in the euphoria of conquering harsh trials after multiple setbacks. Some players relish this punishing ordeal, yet not everyone seeks constant defeat. In Metroidvanias, exploration, discovering secret rooms, unlocking abilities, and uncovering lore are equally appealing. Biomorph didn't set out to be excessively punishing, but neither is it a cakewalk. Players can leverage Harlo's array of weapons and transformations to tailor their tactics, overcoming challenges that match their style. While its bosses may not rival the extreme difficulty of Elden Ring's Malenia, they still offer a substantial challenge.

Unveiling Biomorph's Soulslike Boss Battles

Biomorph incorporates Soulslike boss mechanics, primarily focusing on predictable patterns. Even the most formidable bosses in Soulslike games can be deciphered through patterns, requiring players to anticipate and counter their moves. Early foes like the Gorgerzer pose a significant challenge initially, but players swiftly adapt to their patterns.

This rhythmic approach to boss encounters offers a gratifying experience. Players who relish mastering boss patterns akin to playing Guitar Hero will find immense satisfaction facing tougher foes in Biomorph. Importantly, these challenges are intentionally designed not to impede players from relishing the game's other facets if boss battles are not their focal point.