Unveiling the Inspirations Behind BioGun: A Fusion of Doom and Breath of the Wild

Insights from BioGun's developers on how Doom and Breath of the Wild have shaped the design of this indie metroidvania game.
Unveiling the Inspirations Behind BioGun: A Fusion of Doom and Breath of the Wild


  • BioGun merges elements from Breath of the Wild for accessible arsenal and Doom for intense combat mechanics to engage players.
  • Balancing swift ability unlocks with effective guidance keeps players engrossed without overwhelming them early on.
  • Encouraging strategic weapon switching and continuous pressure, BioGun's combat system incentivizes the use of secondary weapons.

Embarking on a journey through the realms of the upcoming twin-stick shooter metroidvania BioGun reveals a blend of influences from various genres. While drawing inspiration from its contemporaries, the game's standout features stem from revered classics that belong to entirely different gaming realms. With a focus on exploration, agile movement, and rapid shooter combat, this indie gem naturally draws from iconic franchises that have set standards in adventure and gunplay.

In an exclusive interview with Game Rant, the masterminds behind BioGun, John Rogeles and Ivan Elizalde, shed light on how elements from Breath of the Wild and Doom have steered their creative direction. By melding the predominantly frontloaded abilities of Breath of the Wild with Doom's instantaneous rewards for player aggression, BioGun aims to captivate players throughout their gaming experience.

Exploring Progression Through the Lens of Breath of the Wild

At the core of metroidvania games lies a progression loop where players acquire new abilities to access previously unreachable areas, unveiling fresh challenges. While BioGun follows this tradition, the developers opted to expedite the process early on by promptly equipping players with practical tools to experiment with, rather than delaying gratification with a limited moveset.

This approach mirrors the progression system of Breath of the Wild and its departure from earlier Zelda titles. Previous games in the series often unveiled significant features post-dungeon completion, rewarding players for their triumphs but resulting in a lackluster early game experience with limited engagement.

Infusing Combat Dynamics Inspired by Doom's Gratifying Finishers

Renowned for its relentless pace, Doom excels in keeping players in constant motion, with minimal downtime. Drawing inspiration from this iconic title, BioGun integrates a mechanic that rewards players during combat akin to how the Doom Guy revitalizes through finishing moves.

Players can expend energy to unleash their secondary weapon, and each kill with this weapon boosts the primary weapon's firing rate. This dynamic energy exchange motivates players to maintain combat pressure, frequently switch between weapons, and offers a refreshing departure from the typical metroidvania combat loop of repetitively using a single primary attack. With thoughtful design choices, BioGun promises an engaging metroidvania experience, both in combat and exploration.

BioGun is currently in development and will soon be available for PC players.