Top 5 Bethesda Protagonists Who Embrace Villainous Roles

Exploring the darker side of some Bethesda protagonists who are not afraid to venture into villainous territories in wastelands and fantasy realms.
Top 5 Bethesda Protagonists Who Embrace Villainous Roles


  • Bethesda games offer players the freedom to make evil choices, surpassing even main villains in wickedness.
  • Protagonists in Bethesda games act as blank slates, allowing players to freely explore and project their evil inclinations.
  • Despite mixed feedback, Bethesda games provide opportunities to delve into evil roles and engage in morally questionable actions.

Bethesda has had a varied reputation over the years. From the success of Morrowind to the dominance of Skyrim, the company faced both acclaim and criticism. While controversies like the overpriced horse armor in Oblivion stirred debate, attempts to monetize mods and cater to casual gamers led to a shift in fan opinions.

Nevertheless, the protagonists in Bethesda games are intriguing to control, often serving as a canvas for players to paint their narratives. While some argue that playing the villain lacks depth in these games, many players enjoy pushing the boundaries of morality with their characters.

5 The Lone Wanderer

Easily Embraces Evil - Nuking Entire Settlements

Despite Fallout 3's overall success, some felt it lacked the depth of previous titles in the series. However, the karma system allowed players to explore a darker path, including a quest where they could choose to nuke an entire town, reveling in the aftermath of their heinous act.

4 The Nerevarine

A Path of Villainy - Slaughtering NPCs and Choosing Evil Paths

Morrowind marked a positive step for Bethesda, offering a handcrafted open world for players to explore. While players could follow the hero's journey, they also had the freedom to wreak havoc, slaughtering NPCs and embracing villainous choices.

3 The Hero Of Kvatch

From Hero to Villain - Embracing Madness as Sheogorath

In Oblivion, players could stray from the hero's path, engaging in questionable acts that rivaled the main villains. From exploiting the vulnerable to committing atrocities, players could embody a darker side amidst the epic quest line.

2 The Dragonborn

Power and Ambition - Unleashing Evil as the Dragonborn

The iconic Dragonborn of Skyrim offered players a blend of power and ambition. While tasked with saving the world, players could indulge in evil deeds like theft and violence, showcasing a darker side beneath the hero's facade.

1 The Sole Survivor

Choosing the Dark Path - Aligning with the Lost Son

Fallout 4 faced mixed reviews, with simplified RPG elements and a divisive main story. Despite its flaws, the game allowed players to embrace villainy, accumulating negative karma through despicable actions, offering a different narrative path for those inclined towards darkness.