The Best Wii U Games You Must Try, Ranked

The Wii U may not have been a hit, but it still has a fantastic game library that is diverse and adored by many fans.
The Best Wii U Games You Must Try, Ranked


  • The Wii U offers a fantastic game library that includes diverse and adored games, despite its lack of commercial success.
  • Games such as Hyrule Warriors, Nintendo Land, and Splatoon contributed to the unique charm of the Wii U and are still highly enjoyable to play.
  • Other standout titles for the Wii U include Xenoblade Chronicles X, Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Maker, and Axiom Verge, offering players rewarding and fun gaming experiences.

The Wii U may not have been the successful successor to the Wii that Nintendo had hoped for, but it still managed to build a fantastic game library that is diverse and cherished by many fans. The impact of the Wii U on gaming history cannot be denied, with a range of reimagined classics and debut franchises.

The standout games of the Wii U contributed significantly to its unique charm and legacy. Players looking to explore some of the best games for the Wii U and their role in the console's history can find out more here.

Updated January 2, 2024 by Alexandra O'Leary: The Wii U isn't quite hailed as the best of Nintendo's innovative console creations. Despite its unique build, the existence of the Switch firmly positions the Wii U as a stepping stone in the console evolutionary chain. For many, that's how the Wii U will stay, but for others, it's a perfectly valid and beloved moment in gaming history.

The Wii U offers a fantastic selection of genuinely entertaining games that make the most of the console's unique controls. Many of these games are highly rated on platforms like Metacritic and provide a truly enjoyable gaming experience. Gamers who still have their GamePad ready to go will not want to miss the best Wii U games ever.

16 Hyrule Warriors

Metascore: 76

An unexpected yet warmly welcomed addition to the Wii U, Hyrule Warriors captured the hearts of many players. It merged the worlds of The Legend of Zelda and Dynasty Warriors, creating a unique hack-and-slash Zelda experience. The game featured a diverse cast of characters, with many making their first playable debuts.

Players often had to face various challenges at each stage and prioritize certain areas or characters over others. Destroying hundreds of enemies led to satisfying moments, and players could even have their friends join the fun using the game's multiplayer mode. Despite some relatively simple gameplay and potential repetitiveness, Hyrule Warriors remains an incredibly fun play and is still a standout title for the Wii U.

15 Nintendo Land

Metascore: 77

Nintendo Land was one of the most charming installments on the Wii U and is sadly very underrated. It featured a collection of mini-games that focused on using Miis and the Wii U GamePad, often involving asymmetric gameplay, where one player used the GamePad while others used Wii remotes.

Many of the mini-games were inspired by some of Nintendo's well-known franchises, including Animal Crossing and The Legend of Zelda. Thanks to the game's unique gameplay blend, Nintendo Land remains one of the best demonstrations of the Wii U GamePad's capabilities.

14 Splatoon

Metascore: 81

Splatoon marked Nintendo's first entry into the unique team-based shooter genre. The game required players to claim their territory using colorful ink, offering a fresh take on territory control gameplay.

The game provided players with various game modes and maps, as well as a mechanically rich shooter experience. Its core mechanic, allowing players to switch between humanoid and squid forms, added strategic depth to movement and combat, making Splatoon a standout title that led to subsequent entries in the franchise.

13 Xenoblade Chronicles X

Metascore: 84

Owners of the Wii U could immerse themselves in a massively engaging action RPG experience with Xenoblade Chronicles X. The game's vast size allowed players to spend dozens of hours exploring different areas and completing side quests. The flexible character development offered various classes and subclasses, each impacting combat style.

The combat itself was highly engaging, allowing players to switch between team characters on the go, coordinating attacks in an engaging way. While it had some presentation and quest quality issues, it remains a very rewarding play.

12 Pikmin 3

Metascore: 87

Pikmin 3 provided an excellent blend of strategy, exploration, and cute characters. Players had to constantly assess level layouts and threats posed to their Pikmin, each with unique abilities, offering exploration and gameplay options.

The game's short story and difficulty left something to be desired, but the imaginative world, creature design, and demand for strategy made it a great experience for Wii U owners.

11 Mario Kart 8

Metascore: 88

Mario Kart 8 marked a groundbreaking entry into Nintendo's iconic racing franchise, maintaining beloved core features while introducing antigravity mechanics.

The game featured a large character roster, each with unique playstyles and personalities. The colorful graphics and expertly designed tracks, old and new, added to the game's charm. Mario Kart 8 remains a must-play for any Wii U owner.

10 Super Mario Maker

Metascore: 88

Super Mario Maker allowed players to create, share, and play their very own Mario levels. The game captured the hearts of many players quickly, providing hilarious rage and incredibly detailed level editor.

Super Mario Maker is a standout title that offered Wii U players a unique and experimental Mario experience, marked by its incredibly detailed level editor.

9 Axiom Verge

Metascore: 89

Axiom Verge is a sidescrolling metroidvania game that gained its highest overall Metascore on the Wii U. It's a brilliant crossover between new mechanics and classic Metroid games, praised for its originality and exploration emphasis.

The game had little to complain about and utilized the Wii U's abilities well, making it a highly engaging experience for players.

And so on and so forth for the rest of the article.