Top Trap Operators in Rainbow Six Siege

Discover the top trap operators in Rainbow Six Siege who can strategically slow down opponents with their lethal gadgets and equipment.
Top Trap Operators in Rainbow Six Siege


  • Gridlock, Goyo, and Wamai offer unique ways to control the battlefield with lethal gadgets and strategic playstyles.
  • Nomad and Kapkan introduce additional strategic elements with Airjab Launcher and Entry Denial Device, making them formidable opponents.
  • Lesion and Fenrir bring distinctive trap abilities that can disrupt enemy movements and create tactical advantages.

Every operator in Rainbow Six Siege brings a unique set of skills and gadgets to the table. Trap operators stand out by offering deadly traps that can be utilized for both attack and defense, adding a layer of strategic depth to the game. Let's delve into some of the top trap operators who have gained popularity for their effective kits and lethal gadgets.

7 Gridlock

Trax Stringers: Slowing Down Defenders

  • Health: 3
  • Speed: 1
  • Primary Weapons: F90 / M249 SAW
  • Secondaries: Super Shorty / SDP 9MM
  • Equipment: Frag Grenade / Smoke Grenade / Impact Grenade

Gridlock's Trax Stringers are an effective tool for slowing down defenders, creating obstacles that impede enemy movements. Her arsenal includes the versatile F90 assault rifle and the powerful M249 SAW light machine gun, offering players different playstyles to experiment with.

6 Goyo

Volcanic Canister: Creating Flames

  • Health: 2
  • Speed: 2
  • Primary Weapons: Vector / TCSG12
  • Secondary: P229
  • Equipment: Proximity Alarm / Bulletproof Camera / Impact Grenade

Goyo's Volcanic Canister creates a layer of flames upon detonation, deterring attackers and disrupting their advance. His unique playstyle involves strategically placing explosive canisters to control the battlefield and force enemies to rethink their approach.

5 Wamai

MAG-NET: Intercepting Projectiles

  • Health: 2
  • Speed: 2
  • Primary Weapons: AUG A2 / MP5K
  • Secondaries: P12 / Keratos .357
  • Equipment: Proximity Alarm / Impact Grenade

Wamai's MAG-NET gadget is a game-changer, intercepting and detonating projectiles to disrupt enemy tactics. Mastering the art of projectile manipulation, Wamai offers a unique gameplay experience with his arsenal of weapons and equipment.