Ranking the Top Soulcalibur Games of All Time

Discovering the ultimate Soulcalibur game from a series that revolutionized the fighting genre.
Ranking the Top Soulcalibur Games of All Time


  • Soulcalibur games set a benchmark in fighting games with stunning visuals and weapon-based combat mechanics.
  • Each installment offers a mix of strengths and weaknesses, with Soulcalibur 6's deliberate gameplay standing out.
  • Despite some missteps, Soulcalibur 2 remains a fan favorite for its engaging gameplay.

Embark on a journey to uncover the best Soulcalibur game, a series that reshaped the landscape of fighting games. While the frequency of new Soulcalibur releases has slowed down, the impact of this franchise in shaping the fighting game genre cannot be overlooked. In the late 1990s, the Soulcalibur series emerged as a visually stunning and entertaining fighting game, often rivaling Tekken as the pinnacle of 3D fighting games.

Known for its diverse character roster and captivating historical fantasy backdrop, Soulcalibur games stand out for their unique emphasis on weapon-based combat. Equipping each character with distinctive weapons not only extends the reach of attacks but also adds a flair of excitement and visual spectacle to the gameplay. Despite some standout entries, the series has had its share of highs and lows, prompting the quest to identify the ultimate Soulcalibur game.

8 Soulcalibur Legends

Metascore: 52

  • Platforms: Nintendo Wii
  • Released: 20 November 2007
  • Developers: Project Soul, BNE LLC, Bandai Namco Holdings
  • Genres: Action-adventure

Among the various SoulCalibur spin-offs, Soulcalibur Legends falls short due to its limited content despite enjoyable gameplay. With a meager selection of seven playable characters and iconic figures like Nightmare and Cervantes relegated to non-playable bosses, the game's charm wanes after initial playthroughs. While the combat mechanics resemble Sekiro with a focus on strategic maneuvering and precise parrying, the slower pace divided the player base.

7 Soulcalibur 5

Metascore: 77

Soulcalibur 5 presents a mixed bag with lackluster storytelling but maintains tight, aggressive weapon-based combat. The game's visuals remain impressive by current standards, immersing players in diverse and visually striking arenas. Despite a range of engaging modes, including a somewhat limited character creator, the game's roster overhaul, replacing beloved characters with less compelling newcomers, stirred mixed reactions among fans.

6 Soulcalibur 6

Metascore: 84

Soulcalibur 6 introduces a deliberate, methodical gameplay style appreciated by fans after the frenetic pace of its predecessor. The addition of Reversal Edge, a challenging parry maneuver, and a revamped Soul Charge mechanic enhance combat dynamics. Boasting an expanded roster, including intriguing guest characters like 2B from Nier Automata and Geralt from The Witcher, the game faced criticism for its narrative depth and post-launch support but maintains a devoted fan base.

5 Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny

Metascore: 80

Broken Destiny, akin to Soulcalibur 4, offers a handheld gaming experience with minor adjustments for the PSP platform. Despite a reduced stage count, the game's visual appeal remains remarkable. Introducing new characters, including the formidable Kratos, the gameplay tweaks, such as user-friendly Critical Finishers, cater to newcomers, enhancing accessibility without compromising the game's quality. While considered inferior to Soulcalibur 4 due to content limitations, Broken Destiny remains a standout handheld fighting game.

4 Soulcalibur 4

Metascore: 85

Soulcalibur 4, despite streamlining certain mechanics, impresses with an extensive character roster, engaging narrative, and innovative gameplay features. The introduction of Critical Finishers adds a thrilling dimension, rewarding players for aggressive playstyle. Multi-Fighter Battles offer dynamic gameplay options, allowing seamless fighter switching mid-battle, adding strategic depth. Regarded as a standout title, Soulcalibur 4, released in 2008, continues to captivate players with its compelling gameplay and visual appeal.

3 Soulcalibur

Metascore: 98

Soulcalibur made waves upon its 1998 release, setting new standards in the fighting game genre with its groundbreaking visuals and gameplay mechanics. Offering players an unprecedented eight-way run system, the game facilitated fluid, strategic combat, revolutionizing fighting game dynamics. The forgiving buffering system simplified combo executions, enhancing accessibility without compromising depth. Boasting a diverse character roster and iconic stages, Soulcalibur remains a timeless classic cherished by fans.

2 Soulcalibur 3

Metascore: 86

Soulcalibur 3 offers a plethora of content with engaging single-player modes, including the interactive Tales of Souls and Chronicles of the Sword. The addition of a robust character creator enables players to craft personalized fighters for immersive adventures. With tight gameplay mechanics and diverse character abilities across 24 playable fighters, the game provides extensive replay value and diverse combat styles to explore.

1 Soulcalibur 2

Metascore: 93

Regarded as a pinnacle in fighting game history, Soulcalibur 2 refines its predecessor's strengths while introducing innovative gameplay elements for a gratifying experience. Enhanced character movements, a guard break mechanic, and a dynamic clash system elevate combat dynamics. Featuring diverse unlockable weapons and guest characters like Link and Spawn, the game offers an array of playstyles and customization options. Despite its 2002 release, Soulcalibur 2 remains a fan favorite for its exceptional character roster and addictive gameplay.