Ranking the Top 9 Sonic The Hedgehog Character Themes

Exploring the Sonic franchise's character themes that delve into friendship, growth, and courage.
Ranking the Top 9 Sonic The Hedgehog Character Themes


  • Sonic's vocal themes delve into stories of friendship, character development, and bravery, reflecting his carefree and fast-paced nature.
  • Each character's theme song, such as Tails' "Believe In Myself," mirrors their personal journey and evolution within the Sonic universe.
  • The diverse instrumentation, unique perspectives, and deeper meanings in vocal songs make them standout as some of the finest character themes in the series.

Vocal themes have been a significant part of the Sonic franchise since the characters transitioned to 3D in 1998. Even in the Classic Era, vocal songs were present, featured as opening and ending themes in Sonic CD and course themes in Sonic R. These songs provide fans with insights into the characters in an enjoyable manner, with Sonic Team's composers incorporating them into the majority of Sonic games.

Various characters, both playable and non-playable, have been granted their own theme songs, written from their perspective. These songs describe their growth, background, and worldview. Some can be enjoyed independently from the games due to their relatable lyrics, while others are more game-specific. However, all of them are remarkable pieces showcasing diverse instrumentation and profound meanings, establishing them as top character themes in the series.

9 Lazy Days (Livin' In Paradise)

Big The Cat's Unique Theme Song

  • First Appearance: Sonic Adventure

Initially an unpopular character, Big the Cat has seen a resurgence, appearing in Sonic Frontiers and the TV series Sonic Prime. His original theme, "Lazy Days," sung by Ted Poley, portrays Big enjoying a relaxed life in the jungle with his friend Froggy before embarking on a broader adventure. The song emphasizes their strong friendship and Big's emotional connection to Froggy, making it a rare gem in the franchise.

With alternating lines sung from both Big and Froggy's perspectives, the song stands out with its unique storytelling method. It narrates Big's story and his distress when Froggy goes missing, showcasing a deep bond between the two characters.

8 Believe In Myself

A Reflective Track Illustrating Tails' Growth

  • First Appearance: Sonic Adventure

The definitive theme of Tails, "Believe In Myself," sung by Karen Blake, highlights Tails' journey of self-discovery and independence in the Sonic franchise. It encapsulates his development and newfound confidence as he learns to rely on his own strengths. Tails' character evolution, especially in Sonic Adventure, is perfectly captured in this upbeat track, making it a pivotal piece in his story.

Tails' growth as a character, notably demonstrated when he saves Station Square singlehandedly in Sonic Adventure, is further emphasized in his theme songs. "Believe In Myself" symbolizes his remarkable progress and resilience, solidifying its place as a definitive representation of his journey.

7 E.G.G.M.A.N.

A Vocal Ode to Dr. Eggman's Ambitions

  • First Appearance: Sonic Adventure 2

While Dr. Eggman is traditionally associated with instrumental themes, Sonic Adventure 2 introduced his vocal theme, "E.G.G.M.A.N." This catchy rock track, sung in Eggman's voice, mirrors his aspirations and schemes to dominate the world with his mechanical creations. The song, performed by Paul Shortino, portrays Eggman's intellect and grandeur, adding depth to his character and villainous pursuits.

"E.G.G.M.A.N." signifies a shift in Eggman's persona as he embraces his moniker and uses it to assert his dominance and prowess. The song's direct address to the audience enhances its impact, creating a sense of intimidation and showcasing Eggman's determination to achieve his malevolent goals.