Exploring the Finest RPGs Released Each Year of the PS2 Era

A look back at the top RPG titles that graced the iconic PS2 during its extensive reign.
Exploring the Finest RPGs Released Each Year of the PS2 Era


  • The PS2, a legendary console, hosted a plethora of exceptional RPGs during its lifespan.
  • From Dark Cloud to Persona 4, each year brought standout role-playing experiences to gamers.
  • Despite its eventual decline, the PS2 remains a treasure trove of unforgettable RPG classics.

Remembering the PS2 often evokes nostalgic feelings among gamers. Its debut in 2000 marked a pivotal moment in gaming history, with the console remaining relevant until 2012. With a staggering 158 million units sold worldwide, the PS2 secured its place as the best-selling video game console of all time.

One key factor contributing to its success was the remarkable array of games in its library. Among these, the PS2 boasted a remarkable collection of RPGs. Although RPGs weren't as mainstream in the West at the time, Sony ensured that each year of the PS2's existence was enriched with iconic RPG titles that have stood the test of time.

9 2000: Dark Cloud

Metacritic Score: 80

Dark Cloud emerged as a launch title for the PS2, showcasing the console's significant technological leap from its predecessor. This action-packed third-person RPG immersed players in procedurally generated dungeons replete with battles against monsters and loot collection.

The game featured innovative elements that wouldn't feel out of place in contemporary titles, such as survival mechanics like a thirst meter and challenging hidden areas with tougher foes but better rewards. While Dark Cloud may have faded from memory for some, those who recall it do so with fondness.

8 2001: Final Fantasy 10

Metacritic Score: 92

Final Fantasy X introduced a new generation of Western players to the enchanting world of JRPGs. Boasting the franchise's signature intricate narrative, endearing cast, and strategic turn-based combat, FF10 also dazzled with its stunning visuals, setting a high standard early in the PS2's lifecycle.

The game boldly revamped the Final Fantasy formula by introducing strategic turn-based battles where time paused for decision-making, offering players insight into enemy actions. Additionally, FF10 featured blitzball, a beloved minigame that rivaled the main quest in terms of player engagement.

7 2002: Kingdom Hearts

Metacritic Score: 85

Amidst a flurry of RPG releases in 2002, including titles like Suikoden 3 and Dark Cloud 2, the standout RPG of the year was the unexpected Kingdom Hearts, a collaboration between Disney and the creators of Final Fantasy.

While other RPGs may have garnered higher scores, Kingdom Hearts earned its place for its innovative blend of action-oriented combat and gameplay elements drawn from its predecessors. Despite its quirks, Kingdom Hearts dared to be different, leaving a lasting impact on the genre.

6 2003: Final Fantasy 10-2

Metacritic Score: 85

While 2003 saw fewer RPG releases, Final Fantasy 10-2 emerged as a significant title. Departing from tradition, the game placed Yuna at the forefront with a streamlined party system and action-packed battles that allowed class changes on-the-fly.

Though met with mixed reactions initially, Final Fantasy 10-2 has since garnered appreciation for its enjoyable gameplay. Its influence can be felt in subsequent entries like Final Fantasy 13, solidifying its place in the series' evolution.

5 2004: The Lord of the Rings: Third Age

Metacritic Score: 72

Standing out among RPGs in 2004, The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age remains a standout title in the LOTR gaming universe. While other RPGs may have fared better critically, The Third Age's ability to translate the action-packed films into an engaging RPG format set it apart.

Critics noted similarities to FF10, but the game's core turn-based RPG mechanics and adept adaptation of cinematic action earned it a special place in the hearts of gamers.

4 2005: Dragon Quest 8

Metacritic Score: 89

Dragon Quest 8 shone brightly in 2005 as a standout entry in the acclaimed series, revered for its exceptional graphics, engaging combat, and compelling narrative simplicity.

Regarded as a quintessential JRPG, Dragon Quest 8 opted to refine rather than reinvent, delivering a familiar yet captivating experience that resonated with fans of the genre.

3 2006: Final Fantasy 12

Metacritic Score: 92

Despite the PS3's arrival in 2006, the PS2 continued to thrive with notable releases like Final Fantasy 12. Departing from conventions, FF12's deep customization and intricate systems set a new standard for the franchise.

The game's rich complexity and forward-looking design earned it a place among timeless classics, showcasing the PS2's enduring appeal despite newer consoles entering the market.

2 2007: Persona 3 (NA)

Metacritic Score: 86

While 2007 saw a shift towards the PS3, Persona 3 emerged as a standout RPG on the PS2, offering a dark and immersive experience centered on complex themes of despair and the supernatural.

Renowned for its compelling narrative and unique blend of RPG and simulation elements, Persona 3 captured the hearts of players, leading to multiple re-releases over the years, cementing its status as a genre classic.

1 2008: Persona 4

Metacritic Score: 90

Persona 4, a late PS2 exclusive, captivated audiences with its stylish presentation and engaging gameplay. Regarded as one of the finest entries in the Persona series, the game's enduring charm and timeless visuals continue to resonate with players.

Featuring a blend of light-hearted storytelling and darker themes, Persona 4 introduced memorable characters and spawned various spinoffs, solidifying its reputation as a standout RPG even in the twilight years of the PS2.

As the PS2 neared its end in 2012, RPG releases dwindled, giving way to lesser-known titles and subpar ports. Nevertheless, the PS2's legacy endures, having hosted a remarkable array of RPG classics that continue to hold a special place in the hearts of gamers.