Creating the Ultimate Gen 4 Pokemon Team

Discover the essential Pokemon for a seamless Gen 4 playthrough experience.
Creating the Ultimate Gen 4 Pokemon Team


  • Gen 4 Pokemon games introduced groundbreaking mechanics changes, making them some of the most innovative in the series.
  • Building a well-rounded team with effective and accessible Pokemon is crucial for overcoming the challenging battles in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
  • An optimal Gen 4 playthrough team comprises Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray, Garchomp, Gastrodon, and Bronzong, each offering unique strengths for strategic battles.

The Gen 4 Pokemon games revolutionized the series' mechanics, making them some of the most innovative entries. These games also added numerous new creatures, including evolutions for existing monsters. While the Pokemon series is not the most difficult compared to other JRPGs, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and Pokemon Platinum can pose significant challenges, necessitating the formation of a top-tier team for a successful playthrough.

Gen 4 presents players with some of the most demanding battles in the series, notably against Champion Cynthia, renowned as one of the toughest champions among fans. As a result, players must carefully balance their team to be prepared for any formidable opponent. Moreover, these games heavily feature HMs, essential moves for advancing through specific areas of the region, requiring players to have a team capable of learning all the required HMs.

The Ultimate Pokemon Team for a Successful Gen 4 Playthrough

With the transition to Gen 4 on the Nintendo DS, the Pokemon series introduced several mechanical changes that significantly impacted battles. The most notable change in Gen 4 was the Physical/Special split, altering the determining factor for the type of attack used by a Pokemon. Additionally, many new creatures introduced in Gen 4 were initially unavailable until the post-game in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, a factor players must consider when constructing their team.


Opting for Chimchar as the starter in Gen 4 is ideal, as it excels against the first two gyms, effortlessly defeating Roark's Rock types as Monferno and holding a type advantage against Gardenia's Grass types. Infernape's scarcity in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl's Pokedex makes it an essential addition. It remains valuable in the late game, offering a type advantage against Gym Leader Byron's Steel types, Gym Leader Candice's Ice types, and Elite Four Aaron's Bug types.


Staraptor ranks among the finest early-game Flying types in the series, boasting a versatile movepool including the Fighting type move Close Combat and impressive stats with high Speed and Physical attack. The availability of Starly on most early-game routes grants players early access to this Pokemon. Staraptor significantly aids in battles against Gym Leader Maylene and her Fighting types, as well as against Cynthia's Lucario in the final battle, and is also adept at learning the HMs Defog and Fly.


Shinx, an early-game Pokemon, evolves into the formidable Luxray, providing substantial support throughout the playthrough. As a Physical Electric-type with robust bulk, Luxray effectively utilizes moves like Spark and Thunder Fang to inflict significant damage on opponents such as Gym Leader Crasher Wake's Water types and Cynthia's Togekiss in Pokemon Platinum. With the ability to learn the potent Dark-type move Crunch, Luxray proves to be an excellent choice against Gym Leader Fantina's Ghost types.


Garchomp stands out as one of the most powerful creatures in Sinnoh, serving as the generation's pseudo-Legendary. However, the availability of this Pokemon differs between Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and Pokemon Platinum. While Gible can be captured in Wayward Cave in all versions, obtaining Garchomp in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl requires the HM Strength and the Canalave City Gym Badge to move boulders obstructing the entrance to Gible. In contrast, Garchomp is accessible much earlier in Pokemon Platinum, proving to be an exceptional Pokemon for countering Gym Leader Volkner's Electric types and other formidable adversaries.


Gastrodon emerges as an exceptional creature in Gen 4, despite sharing the Ground type with Garchomp. Its Water/Ground typing proves formidable, converting Water's weakness against Electric types into an immunity. Gastrodon's Storm Drain ability raises its Special Attack when hit by a Water-type move. With Shellos available as early as the Valley Windworks, Gastrodon proves to be an ideal Pokemon for confronting Volkner's Electric types, Elite Four Flint's Fire types, and even a surprising contender for gaining advantage against Crasher Wake's Water types.


Completing this Gen 4 team with a Steel/Psychic type like Bronzong proves to be the optimal choice, given its solid defensive typing and impressive defensive stats. Capturable as early as Route 206, just below the Cycling Road, Bronzong proves invaluable in battles against Team Galactic and their numerous Poison types, being immune to Poison attacks and dealing super effective Psychic damage to foes like Saturn's Toxicroak and Cyrus' Crobat. With access to a wide movepool, Bronzong emerges as an indispensable team member for battles against Candice's Ice types and Cynthia's Roserade.