Top Open-World Games Enhanced by Keyboard & Mouse

Discover the open-world games that offer enhanced gameplay experience with the precision and flexibility of a keyboard and mouse control setup.
Top Open-World Games Enhanced by Keyboard & Mouse


  • Unlock better gameplay in Cyberpunk 2077 by utilizing a keyboard & mouse for efficient weapon swapping and dialogue interactions.
  • Experience Fallout 4's combat at its best with a mouse, providing seamless aiming and responsive gunplay, especially with V.A.T.S. mechanics.
  • Enhance your gameplay in Subnautica and Minecraft on PC with a mouse for precise crafting, building, exploring, and challenging gameplay.

Open-world games bring endless opportunities for players to immerse themselves in vast and captivating virtual worlds, offering a unique escape from reality. While the eternal debate between console and PC gaming continues, there are certain open-world games that truly shine when played with a keyboard and mouse.

The advantages of using a keyboard and mouse lie in the enhanced control and precision they provide, especially in games that demand quick reactions and strategic movements. The ability to navigate these expansive worlds seamlessly and efficiently contributes to an overall better gaming experience.

6 Cyberpunk 2077

Smoother Gameplay with Hotswapping Weapons & Precise Aiming

Enter the dystopian Night City in Cyberpunk 2077, where players navigate a world filled with crime and chaos. While playable with a controller, the game truly shines with a keyboard and mouse setup, especially during intense first-person shooting sequences and intricate dialogues where quick key presses can make all the difference.

The precision of a mouse enhances shooting and driving mechanics, elevating the overall gameplay experience in Cyberpunk 2077.

5 Fallout 4

Immersive Combat Experience with Enhanced Mouse Controls

Embark on a post-apocalyptic journey in Fallout 4, where combat takes center stage. With a mouse, players can enjoy smoother aiming, responsive gunplay, and seamless V.A.T.S. mechanics, offering a heightened level of engagement and control during intense battles.

The flexibility of a keyboard and mouse setup allows for quick weapon swaps and easy access to essential commands, enhancing the combat experience in Fallout 4.

4 Minecraft

Effortless Crafting, Building & Exploration with Precise Controls

Delve into the blocky world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds. Playing on a PC with a mouse offers unparalleled control over crafting, building, and exploration. The intuitive mouse controls streamline inventory management and block placements, providing a seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience.

With a keyboard and mouse, players can easily navigate the vast possibilities of Minecraft, making every building project and exploration endeavor more engaging and rewarding.