Top Choices for Marksman Rifles in Call Of Duty: Warzone Mobile

Discover the top picks for Marksman Rifles in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile and how they can enhance your gameplay.
Top Choices for Marksman Rifles in Call Of Duty: Warzone Mobile


  • Marksman rifles in Warzone Mobile offer a unique gameplay experience between battle and sniper rifles.
  • Enhance the effectiveness of marksman rifles by unlocking specialized weapon mods.
  • Each Marksman Rifle has distinct strengths and weaknesses, catering to different playstyles.

Marksman rifles in Call Of Duty: Warzone Mobile present a unique hybrid gameplay style, blending elements of battle rifles and sniper rifles. While often overlooked, these rifles can serve as valuable backup weapons for medium to long-range combat scenarios where primary weapons may fall short.

The selection of Marksman Rifles available in Call Of Duty: Warzone Mobile is limited within the core weapon lineup. Specialized weapons obtained through events or challenges are not included in this list. All rifles are crossplay-compatible across desktop and mobile platforms.

7 LM-S

Average Medium-Range Rifle

Recommended Attachments:

  • VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor
  • Corio Eagleseye 2.5X
  • FTAC Ripper 56
  • 20 Round Mag
  • Lachmann TCG-10

The LM-S by Lachmann offers decent accuracy and recoil control but lacks standout features. While usable for long-range engagements, there are superior alternatives in the marksman rifle category.

Its performance in terms of handling, mobility, and damage is average, making it a passable choice for long-range combat but not the most optimal.

6 EBR-14

Precision Long-Range Rifle

Recommended Attachments:

  • VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor
  • 22" Boremaster Barrel
  • Corio Eagleseye 2.5X
  • Bruen Heavy Support Grip
  • 20 Round Mag

The EBR-14 boasts high damage, excellent range, and precise recoil control, ideal for long-range engagements. Skilled players can capitalize on its capabilities to secure headshots effectively.

However, its handling and mobility are subpar, and with limited ammunition capacity, each shot must be deliberate and accurate.

5 Lockwood MK2

Swift Second Shot Rifle

Recommended Attachments:

  • 22.5" EXF Alamo
  • 1MW Quick Fire Laser
  • Forge TAC Delta 4
  • .45 GVT High Velocity

The Lockwood MK2, reminiscent of classic Winchester rifles, excels in quick follow-up shots. While offering good damage and accuracy, its overall performance falls short compared to other options.

Players can benefit from its swift target acquisition and manageable recoil, making it a suitable choice for those requiring rapid successive shots.

4 SA-B 50

Versatile Composite Bolt-Action Rifle

Recommended Attachments:

  • SONIC Suppressor L
  • FSS OLE-V Laser
  • SP-X 80 6.6X
  • .308 High Velocity
  • FSS ST87 Bolt

The SA-B 50 stands out in Call Of Duty: Warzone Mobile with its modern construction and bolt-action mechanism, blurring the lines between marksman and sniper rifles. Despite its exceptional damage and accuracy, its effectiveness diminishes at longer ranges.

Best utilized as a mid-range sniping tool, the SA-B 50 offers reliable performance but lacks optimal range for extended engagements.

3 SP-R 208

Balanced Medium-Range Bolt Action

Recommended Attachments:

  • Sonic Suppressor L
  • FSS OLE-V Laser
  • SP-X 80 6.6X
  • 7.62X51MM High Velocity
  • FSS ST87 Bolt

The SP-R 208 offers a well-rounded performance, excelling in accuracy and range. However, its limited magazine capacity and reserve ammunition make sustained combat engagements challenging.

Players with skill can leverage the SP-R 208's attributes effectively, although it requires finesse to maximize its potential in extended battles.


Precision with Versatility

Recommended Attachments:

  • VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor
  • LR1:7 20.5" Barrel
  • Corio Eagleseye 2.5X
  • Bruen Heavy Support Grip
  • 20 Round Mag

The TAQ-M, utilizing the 6.5mm sniper round, offers reliable damage, range, and accuracy for players seeking long-range engagements. With ample ammunition capacity, it caters to players who prefer ranged combat but may struggle with precision.

While effective at medium to long ranges, skilled marksmen may opt for sniper rifles for enhanced accuracy in prolonged engagements.

1 Tempus Torrent

Long-Range Dominance with M4 Foundation

Recommended Attachments:

  • VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor
  • 24" Outreach 4
  • Corio Eagleseye 2.5X
  • Bruen Heavy Support Grip
  • 30 Round Mag

The Tempus Torrent, a modified version of the M4, excels in long-range combat with superior damage, range, and accuracy. Surpassing some assault rifles, its ammunition capacity and performance rival that of sniper rifles.

Although challenging to acquire in Warzone Mobile, the Tempus Torrent rewards players with exceptional long-range capabilities, bridging the gap between marksman and sniper rifles effectively.