Optimal Spots for Constructing in Lightyear Frontier Game

Selecting the right base location is crucial for success in Lightyear Frontier. Discover the top spots for players to establish their homesteads.
Optimal Spots for Constructing in Lightyear Frontier Game


  • Resources are not randomly scattered but gathered from specific locations in Lightyear Frontier, distinguishing it from typical farming sims.
  • Strategic base placement near resource-rich areas enhances daily collection efficiency in the game.
  • Edge Cliff, Lowland Plains, and Stepstone Peak offer distinct resources and advantages, making them ideal for setting up bases.

Lightyear Frontier offers a unique farming simulation experience where players must locate specific resources in the wild, unlike traditional farming games where resources are randomly scattered or farmable. Resources like aluminum, coal, crystals, iron, copper, and alien materials are gathered from designated spots that replenish periodically.

Choosing an optimal homestead location is vital for a smooth daily collection routine. Here are some of the prime locations for players to establish their bases:

7 Edge Cliff

Prime Spot for Copper Farming

Edge Cliff stands out as an early-game area suitable for copper farming, offering the exclusive Caroots resource for Caroot Oil production. Despite its limited space, it presents advantages for resource gathering.

6 Lowland Plains

Abundance of Iron, Crystals, and Farming Area

Lowland Plains, unlocked later in the game, offers iron, blue crystals, and expansive green terrain for farming. It also features the rare Pond Pitchers providing a water source.

5 Stepstone Peak

Reliable Source of Iron and Ample Farming Space

Stepstone Peak, a mid-game area with abundant iron stores, also offers farming opportunities and convenient access to various map locations.

4 Mountainside Coast

Seaside Farming Paradise with Diverse Resources

Mountainside Coast, though accessible later in the game, provides coastal farmland rich in resources like Yellow Crystals, iron, and coal, ideal for farming ventures.

3 The Northern Meadows

Rich in Minerals and Water Sources

The Meadows, a beginner-friendly location, offers vast flat areas for farming and essential water sources crucial for early game success.

2 Pine Heights

Early Game Mineral Abundance

Pine Heights, an initial area with rich mineral deposits, provides a convenient location for early game resource gathering, despite limited farming space.

1 The Middle Meadows

Expansive Fields and Strategic Location

The central Meadows offer large fields, proximity to essential regions, and diverse resources, making it a strategic choice for base building in Lightyear Frontier.