The Ultimate Guide to Greatswords for Warriors in DD2

Discover the top Greatsword choices for Warrior Vocation players in Dragon's Dogma 2.
The Ultimate Guide to Greatswords for Warriors in DD2


  • Warriors in DD2 excel in tankiness and impactful damage with every swing.
  • While Lifetaker is a solid mid-game option, Dragon's Flight reigns supreme for end-game power.
  • Dragon's Flight stands out as the most potent Greatsword, offering unparalleled strength and knockdown capabilities.

Warriors in Dragon's Dogma 2 are known for their exceptional tankiness and the sheer impact of their blows, making each swing a satisfying experience for players.

With a robust selection of two-handed weapons, including Greatswords and Hammers, Warriors in Dragon's Dogma 2 have ample choices for unleashing devastation. Let's delve into the realm of Greatswords specifically and explore the top contenders for aspiring warriors.

9 Two-Hander

A Beginner's Blade

The Two-Hander, often considered a tutorial weapon, serves as an entry point for Warriors, albeit with limited damage output. Its simplistic design appeals visually, but players should swiftly upgrade to more potent Greatswords.

8 War Blade

Unassuming Yet Effective

The War Blade, an upgrade from the Two-Hander, lacks significant power compared to superior Greatsword options, despite its unique appearance.

7 Lifetaker

A Solid Early-Mid Game Choice

The Lifetaker Greatsword, reminiscent of Berserk, proves valuable in the initial game stages but is outshined by stronger alternatives in later gameplay.

6 Flamberge

A Balanced Classic Weapon

The Flamberge, known for its historical significance, offers a moderate performance level, suitable for various game stages based on player progression.

5 Ogresbane

Formidable Appearance, Solid Performance

The Ogresbane, designed to combat Ogres, boasts impressive visuals but falls short of late-game alternatives in raw power. Strategic Enhancements can mitigate this disparity.

4 Gryphic Victory

Optimal Mid-Game Selection

The Gryphic Victory, a reliable mid-game option, offers a simplistic design favored by many players. While viable throughout the game, stronger alternatives emerge in advanced stages.

3 Wounded Heart

Exquisite Aesthetics, Solid Performance

The visually striking Wounded Heart becomes accessible in the later stages of the game, admired for its aesthetics despite being surpassed in raw power by top-tier Greatswords.

2 Dragon's Bite

A Rare Gem in Late-Game Arsenal

The Dragon's Bite, a formidable late-game weapon, presents a unique passive effect tied to player health, offering a nuanced combat experience. Though challenging to acquire, its potential under specific conditions surpasses many alternatives.

1 Dragon's Flight

The Pinnacle of Greatsword Power

Securing the top spot is the Dragon's Flight, offering unparalleled damage and knockdown capabilities, making it a must-have for warriors seeking ultimate strength. Its accessibility and raw power make it a formidable choice for both regular gameplay and New Game Plus adventures.