Top 10 Female Heroes in BioWare Games, Ranked

Exploring the most iconic female characters from BioWare's immersive worlds and compelling narratives.
Top 10 Female Heroes in BioWare Games, Ranked


  • BioWare's Legacy in RPG Gaming
  • Diverse and Influential Female Characters
  • Impact of Female Heroes in Video Games

Few game developers have left as indelible a mark on the RPG genre as BioWare. Their portfolio of games stands as essential experiences for countless fans, with Mass Effect and Dragon Age standing out as pivotal releases. The original Mass Effect trilogy took players on an intergalactic journey as Commander Shepard and their crew battled to save the galaxy from the Reapers.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Age series introduced players to the intricate world of Thedas, where religious fervor, dark magic, and epic quests abound. BioWare has consistently featured strong and multifaceted female characters in their games, some of whom have become iconic figures for fans worldwide. This list focuses exclusively on characters from games developed by BioWare.

10 Mission Vao

Featured In: Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic

In Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic, a groundbreaking RPG set 4,000 years before the rise of the Empire, players navigate their own path within the Star Wars universe, choosing between the light and dark sides of the Force.

One of the companions players encounter is Mission Vao, a young Twi’Lek found in the Undercity on the planet Taris. She shares a close bond with the Wookie Zaalbar and excels in Dexterity, Stealth, and Demolitions.

9 Aveline Vallen

Featured in: Dragon Age 2

Aveline, a formidable warrior, becomes a steadfast ally of Hawk throughout the narrative. Initially encountered as she flees Darkspawn with her husband in Lothering, Aveline's life takes a tragic turn, leading her to rise within the city guard and attain the rank of captain.

She embodies strength and certainty in battle, while displaying endearing social awkwardness in her personal interactions. Her character adds a touch of humor to the game, and her combat prowess makes her a formidable tank capable of dealing significant damage.

8 Dawn Star

Featured In: Jade Empire

Released in 2005, Jade Empire immersed players in an action RPG steeped in ancient Chinese lore. Players embody The Spirit Monk and can choose from six character archetypes.

Within the game, players encounter various characters, some of whom can join as companions. Dawn Star, a skilled fighter and potential romantic interest for male characters, possesses the ability to replenish the player’s Chi.

7 Dr Liara T’Soni

Featured In: Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3

Liara, an Asari—a formidable all-female species with innate biotic abilities—is a prominent scientific authority in the Mass Effect universe, specializing in the ancient Protheans.

Throughout the series, Liara emerges as a romantic interest for both male and female Commander Shepards and serves as a pivotal party member in the first and third installments. In Mass Effect 2, she evolves into an influential information broker aiding Shepard's quest to thwart the collectors. In the DLC, Lair of The Shadow Broker, players can catalyze Liara's ascension to the enigmatic Shadow Broker.

6 Cassandra

Featured In: Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition

Debuting in Dragon Age 2 to probe the protagonist, Cassandra serves as the Right Hand of the Divine, leader of the predominant religious order in Thedas. She subsequently joins the Inquisition, becoming integral to the storyline.

Defined by unwavering dedication and loyalty, Cassandra's strength emanates from her religious convictions. She also presents a romantic option for players in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

5 Viconia Devir

Featured In: Baldur’s Gate 1, Baldur’s Gate 2: Shadows of Amn

Before Larian Studios assumed the Baldur’s Gate mantle, BioWare laid its foundational groundwork. Baldur’s Gate 2, set in the Dungeons and Dragons realm of The Forgotten Realms, showcased Viconia Devir, a neutral-evil Cleric—a perfect anti-heroic companion.

Accessible for recruitment in chapter one of BG1 and chapter two of BG2, Viconia, a Drow or dark Elf, boasts formidable magic resistance and dexterity. She serves as a skilled warrior proficient in various melee weapons. Her presence also extends to Baldur’s Gate 3 within the Cloister Of Somber Embrace.

4 Morrigan

Featured In: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition

In Dragon Age: Origins, the inaugural entry in the enduring fantasy series, Morrigan emerges as an early playable companion, wielding formidable magical prowess as an apostate witch, free from the coercive grip of the Chantry's Templars. Her mastery of magic and shapeshifting intertwines with the fabric of the story.

Morrigan embodies moral ambiguity, her intricate backstory with her mother adding depth to her character. Additionally, she offers a romantic avenue within the game and plays a pivotal role in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

3 Bastila Shan

Featured In: Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Bastila Shan enters the game upon her rescue from the Black Vulkars gang on Taris, subsequently becoming central to the narrative, imparting Force wisdom and prophetic visions of the Star Forge to the player.

For male protagonists, Bastila Shan represents a potential romantic interest. Her character undergoes a complex journey, succumbing to the allure of the dark side before finding redemption, showcasing BioWare's ability to craft compelling female characters.

2 Tali’Zorah

Featured In: Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3

Tali remains a recurring presence throughout the Mass Effect Trilogy, standing as one of Commander Shepard's trusted allies and a potential romance option for the Male Commander Shepard.

As a member of the Quarian race—exiled individuals with fragile immune systems compelled to exist in protective suits—Tali assumes a central role in her species' narrative, tirelessly striving to resolve the conflict with the Geth, their exiled adversaries. She emerges as one of the series' most beloved characters and a close confidante of Shepard.

1 Commander Shepard

Featured In: Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3

The central figure across the original Mass Effect trilogy, Commander Shepard embodies a pivotal role in the game's narrative. Players can assume the role of a male or female Shepard, shaping their paragon or renegade persona through choices.

Opting for the female Shepard, fondly termed Femshep, unlocks diverse romance options and subtle dialogue variations. Despite this, minimal divergence exists between the male and female iterations of the hero. Commander Shepard stands as one of gaming's most formidable heroes, with the female rendition exemplifying a powerful portrayal of a leading female protagonist in gaming.