Choosing the Right Cero Path in Type Soul

Discover the optimal Cero Path for your Arrancar in Type Soul to enhance your gameplay experience.
Choosing the Right Cero Path in Type Soul


  • Understand the significance of selecting the best Cero Path for your Arrancar in Type Soul.
  • Explore the advantages of the recommended Cero Cornea path and how it can elevate your combat performance.
  • Learn about the different Cero Paths available in Type Soul and their unique characteristics.

Every Hollow aims to reach the prestigious title of Vastolorde, yet many aspire to unmask and transition into the powerful realm of Arrancar, known for its dominance in Type Soul. One pivotal element contributing to their strength is the choice of Cero Path.

Upon ascending to an Arrancar, players must select one of the five available paths, each offering substantial power. As you progress, identifying the Cero Path that aligns with your combat style becomes crucial. Let's delve into the realm of the best Cero Path in Type Soul.

Optimal Cero Path: Cero Cornea

Embracing the Cero Cornea path proves to be the optimal choice for Arrancar in Type Soul, offering a myriad of advantages. The path's explosive power and wide area of effect enable players to maintain distance from adversaries effectively. The primary feature of this Cero Path is a large green semicircle that inflicts substantial damage and repels any intruders within its range.

The unique shape and high damage output of Cero Cornea make it versatile for close and long-range combat. To maximize its potential, investing in Kendo, Hakuda, and Speed attributes is recommended. This strategic investment not only enhances the ability's effectiveness but also reduces its cooldown, establishing a formidable defense against approaching foes.

Overview of Cero Paths in Type Soul

If uncertainties linger, fret not, as each Cero Path in Type Soul possesses unique strengths when wielded adeptly. Below is a brief summary of the characteristics of all Cero Paths:

  • Cero Cornea: Known for its high explosive power, broad area of effect, and versatility across playstyles.
  • Tri Cero: Offers a three-way beam attack with extended range, requiring precision but delivering significant coverage.
  • Cero Grab: Ideal for melee builds, allowing players to grasp and inflict substantial damage on targets.
  • Blade Cero: Enables long-range damage with a lethal blade throw, demanding precision for lethal strikes.
  • Finger Cero: While relatively weaker, it boasts minimal cooldown and high Speed, transforming users into rapid-fire projectiles.