Why 'Less is More' Could Be the Winning Formula for the Next Battlefield Game

Speculations are circulating about the next Battlefield game adopting a more intimate approach, potentially revitalizing the franchise.
Why 'Less is More' Could Be the Winning Formula for the Next Battlefield Game


  • The next Battlefield game might revert to 64-player matches, addressing past criticisms and enhancing map quality.
  • Rumors suggest a modern 2025-2030 setting with classic Battlefield elements, like a four-class system in smaller lobbies for a familiar experience.
  • A shift back to 64-player matches could amplify the levolution mechanic's impact, as well as improve matchmaking times and server availability.

Conversations are buzzing about the upcoming addition to the Battlefield series, following nearly four years since the launch of Battlefield 2042. While 2042 has seen improvements in recent times, its overall reception has somewhat tarnished the franchise's reputation, intensifying the anticipation for the next project to steer things back on course.

Much of the chatter surrounding the next Battlefield installment revolves around its potential setting and the potential return to solo adventures. However, some whispers hint at a return to simplicity for its multiplayer segment. One such speculation proposes that the next Battlefield might shift away from the 128-player matches of 2042 to embrace a more conventional 64-player match setup, a change that could yield numerous benefits.

How a Return to 64-Player Matches Could Address Various Issues

Information on the forthcoming Battlefield game has been scarce, but a recent disclosure by Insider Gaming has stirred things up significantly. The report suggests that the upcoming Battlefield iteration will opt for a contemporary setting spanning from 2025 to 2030, emphasizing traditional Battlefield components like the four-class system and smaller lobbies.

This strategic shift appears prudent on DICE's part, considering the flak Battlefield 2042 received for the drastic changes in its multiplayer experience. While many fans were initially thrilled by the leap to 128-player matches in 2042 versus the usual 64, some felt this negatively impacted the title's maps and engagement pacing.

The report indicates that the next Battlefield will revert to 64-player matches, recapturing a sense of tradition sorely missed in the latest franchise installment. With 64-player matches, the next game's maps will be more compact, enabling DICE to introduce a greater number of them with meticulous attention to detail. This shift would also reintroduce prominent pathways and combat zones, a feature absent in many 2042 maps.

The Potential Resurgence of Levolution in a 64-Player Battlefield

Reduced map sizes would also bode well for levolution in the forthcoming title, a gameplay mechanic that became iconic in the franchise with 2013's Battlefield 4. Levolution encompasses massive environmental upheavals triggered by players to alter a map's appearance and dynamics. Unfortunately, 2042 underutilized levolution due to the vast scale of its locales. Many gamers have yearned for more focused and conspicuous levolution events in recent BF titles, and 64-player lobbies might finally revive this feature in the upcoming release.

Naturally, reverting to 64-player matches will have favorable implications in several areas, such as enhanced matchmaking efficiency and increased server capacities. This, coupled with a renewed emphasis on traditional gameplay featuring memorable maps and scenarios, positions a return to 64-player gameplay in the next Battlefield game as a triumph for both DICE and the player community.